Young adulthood has seemed to suit Dakota Fanning well, as the now 18-year-old has embraced her transition out of childhood with a number of ballsy, mature moves. The latest in her career progression? Tackling the two-fold challenge of playing a dying cancer patient and sporting an English accent, as seen in the trailer for Now is Good. Try to ignore the Mia Wasikowska vibe emanating from Fanning (and the spectre of Mandy Moore, who did this already in the Nicholas Sparks pic A Walk to Remember, if you remember) after the jump.
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For nearly three years, Movieline's Verge feature has introduced you to the likes of Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Lawrence, Armie Hammer, Emma Stone, Chris Hemsworth and dozens of other bright young screen talents on their ways to the big time. 2011 was no exception, so wind down the year with a look back at -- and a word with -- a few major new players you'll be seeing plenty of in the future.
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The actors in War Horse whinny for Oscar cred in the new promotional spot for the Spielberg epic. Though the elegance of the Broadway play's amazing horse puppetry has been shamefully replaced by real horses, we're supposed to believe the cinematic adaptation is just as poignant. Sigh. Let's hear them out.
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I'm still a little sour with Steven Spielberg after he tried shilling the abysmal Cowboys & Aliens with a bunch of smarty-pants soundbites, but I'll let him slide in case War Horse turns out to be fabulous. In this new, highly edited Q&A from MSN, Spielberg talks about the new movie, purposely casting an unknown as a lead, and the miraculous work of John Williams. All sounds good so far. But will we be left wanting? Or whinnying?
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