More Breaking Dawn images have hit the web, you ask? Well, kind of; EW's snagged exclusive peeks at the classic, chic wedding dress Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) will wear in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. Oops, spoiler alert: Bella Swan gets married in Breaking Dawn. And then more stuff happens, the repercussions of which are also highlighted in a second new peek after the jump.
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Believe it or not, there is still a subset of moviegoers who have no interest in seeing anything Twilight-related. These audience members stayed strong in spite of societal pressure to see sequels New Moon and Eclipse, suffocating media coverage of its stars' real-life romance and even the intriguing revelation that Pattinson will deliver a baby with his own teeth in a future installment. But can the strongest Twilight hater resist Bill Condon's Breaking Dawn after seeing the sexy leaked photos of Bella and Edward consummating their illicit relationship, one thrust at a time?
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