Savvier and less cartoonish than those posters of Mark Wahlberg with stacks of cash taped to his famous torso might have you believe, Contraband is a remake of the 2008 Icelandic smuggling thriller Reykjavík-Rotterdam, directed by the original's star, Baltasar Kormákur. The action's been transported to New Orleans-Panama City, the goods upgraded from bootlegged liquor to counterfeit cash, and the whole enterprise daubed with some Hollywood gloss, but it's still an obligingly tense, scruffy addition to the one-last-crime genre.
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Did you guys realize that Mark Wahlberg and Kate Beckinsale were starring in a little heist movie called Contraband? Me neither, but that's probably because Universal has quietly scheduled the film, from Icelandic director Baltasar Kormákur, for a quiet box office death release next January. But we're going to need something to watch during that winter wasteland month so let's take a look and see if super-angry Mark Wahlberg, his abs, and and Kate Beckinsale undressing for the camera can't motivate us to buy tickets.
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Hunter S. Thompson fans have been patiently waiting over a decade for The Rum Diary to reach the big screen. (In fact, the adaptation process, which began in 2000, was so frustrating that the author himself coined the phrase "waterhead fuckaround" to describe the slow studio proceedings.) But The Rum Diary is finally in the can with a fall release date thanks to English writer and director Bruce Robinson, Thompson's long-time friend Johnny Depp and Depp's production company Infinitum Nihil. Let's take a look at the trailer!
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