With $6.4 million at stake for UNICEF, some of the world's best footballers faced off in England over the weekend with some of the sport's most enthusiastic celebrity hobbyists. The good news: Charity won big! The bad news: Celebrities did not, with one even landing in the hospital.
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Whenever I throw away one of those large round plastic lids from an orange-juice jug, in my head I hear my mother saying, as she would have said to my 8-year-old self, “That would make a great table-top for a doll’s house.” As an adult I don’t have a dollhouse, but I still have a hard time throwing away those orange-juice lids; the mentality dies hard. So why — with one luminous exception — can’t I love the movies of Wes Anderson, the most dollhousey of all filmmakers? Why, specifically, can’t I love Moonrise Kingdom, a sweet-natured picture set in 1965 on a mythical New Englandy island, in which two oddball kids run away together and pledge undying love?
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You've seen the trailer. You've parsed the poster. Now study in the stern countenances awaiting you in Moonrise Kingdom, Wes Anderson's Cannes-opening reverie for which a new "vintage team photo" is making the rounds.
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There are no new ideas in Hollywood, hence a Bourne franchise reboot whose first trailer -- just released via Apple -- borrows somewhat heavily from the opening titles of Psycho. (At least they're both Universal films, right? Score one for synergy!) But that's immaterial here after a certain point, probably around the time when Stacy Keach is all WHO IS HE? or when a house blows up or simply when Jeremy Renner's Aaron Cross is revealed in all his rifle-toting, tree-hopping glory. Who can resist?
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Chances are at least a few of your casual conversations about Bridesmaids have revolved around the scene in which Melissa McCarthy is forced to use a bridal shop sink as a toilet. The true beauty of that scene was Kristen Wiig’s Annie, sweat-drenched, trying to stay composed while she was berated over choosing a restaurant that caused some serious gastrointestinal horrors for the ladies. Not to suggest that McCarthy doesn’t deserve the praise; she’s a terrific actress (Sookie forever!).
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It is called Moonrise Kingdom and I have nothing to really say about it except that I'm somewhat intrigued by Anderson's discovery of the handheld camera and the unusual (for Anderson, anyway) 1.85:1 aspect ratio and that I wish it were Meryl Streep with that bullhorn instead of Frances McDormand; she was so infectious in Fantastic Mr. Fox and I want to see her and Anderson collaborate in live-action. And... and... Cool treehouse? I don't know. Your turn.
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