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Watch And Drink-Along With The 'Breaking Dawn' Premiere Live-Stream Tonight


The Twilight Saga is finally coming to an end this week as Breaking Dawn Part II sparkles into theaters, which means tonight is the last Hollywood Twilight premiere humankind will see. This saddens me, because Twilight premieres have become one of the great constants of modern culture, at least for the past four years: Hordes of screaming fans will gather, many of them having slept on the ground in Los Angeles for days. I repeat: On the ground. In Los Angeles. That's real dedication.

The air will be thick with hopes and dreams and friendship and vampire marriage proposals. And whether or not said fans actually make it into the theater alongside the idols their devotion and ticket dollars skyrocketed to fame, they will have the best time ever just being there. How many fandoms can claim that sort of eternal, electric energy?
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Play the Safe House Drinking Game

Play the Safe House Drinking Game

If you're going to watch Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds traipse through the stinker that is Safe House, at least have fun with the unofficial Safe House Drinking Game, courtesy of the fine folks at Film School Rejects: "TAKE A DRINK WHEN YOU SEE: a flag, an explosion, a close-up on a computer screen... TAKE A DRINK WHEN SOMEONE SAYS 'Frost,' 'house,' 'file' or 'files,' the name of a city..." Might I also suggest taking a swig every time you find yourself on the verge of a shaky-cam migraine? Prepare to get wasted. [Film School Rejects]