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Watch Elizabeth Olsen in the Real-Time, One-Take Creeper Silent House

Watch Elizabeth Olsen in the Real-Time, One-Take Creeper Silent House

Last year, Sundance It Girl Elizabeth Olsen had two notable films debut in Park City. One was Sean Durkin's Martha Marcy May Marlene, which earned Olsen raves and new fans for her central turn as a paranoid cult survivor. Now comes Olsen's second Sundance '11 pic, Silent House, in which poor Olsen finds herself spooked by bumps in the night and possibly more insidious forces while stuck in a darkened abandoned house. Was it really shot in a single continuous take, as co-directors Chris Kentis and Laura Lau claim? Is there any young actress quite as watchable in moments of terror as the younger Olsen? Watch the trailer and let us ponder these questions together.
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