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One-Sheet Wonder || ||

The Simple, Fan-Driven Pleasures of Moonrise Kingdom's First Poster

The Simple, Fan-Driven Pleasures of Moonrise Kingdom's First Poster

Movieline is pleased to present the first installment of One-Sheet Wonder, a new column on the best, worst, weirdest and other milestones of contemporary movie-poster art. — Ed.

We’re a little more than two months away from the debut of the Cannes Film Festival opener Moonrise Kingdom, Wes Anderson’s first live-action film in five years, and the promo push is on. The first trailer hit a while back, and the first poster was revealed last week. And while the trailer is an exhilarating promo clip, on first glance it’s easy to dismiss the poster. It feels minimal and rather meh overall, like a starving-artist, Bob Ross knock-off masquerading as a one-sheet ("Look at that happy little waterfall…").
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Newswire || ||

Movie Geeks Mobilize to Save the Iconic Bottle Rocket Motel

Movie Geeks Mobilize to Save the Iconic Bottle Rocket Motel

When fans of Wes Anderson's 1996 debut feature Bottle Rocket heard that the iconic motel used in the film was in danger of going under, they sprung into action to save it. So this July 9, devotees will gather en masse in Hillsboro, Texas for the ultimate event, hosted by the Alamo Drafthouse: a special screening of Bottle Rocket, with co-star Robert Musgrave in attendance, held at the very same motel off of I-5 where aimless crooks Dignan, Anthony, and Bob hide out in the film.

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