Suburban America has its share of Oranges. Orange County, CA, probably the richest and best known of the lot (there are of course fellow O.C. namesakes in New York and Florida) has had its hare in the spotlight with the original Real Housewives, not to mention that teen/young-adult primetime soap The O.C. and who could forget MTV's Laguna Beach. But watch, out, there's a new Orange grabbing the spotlight, and it even grabbed O.C. star Adam Brody who plays the successful son of a couple living in a leafy neighborhood in West Orange, NJ. The Oranges promises to take a bite out of the upper middle-class intrigue market.
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Also in Wednesday morning's round-up of news briefs, Charlie Sheen takes a bite at Axl Rose at a Slash Walk of Fame ceremony. Jason Bateman is heading behind the camera (and in front) for his directorial debut. And new projects for Anna Kendrick and Adam Brody.
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Damsels in Distress is Whit Stillman’s first film in 14 years: For those keeping track at home, that’s the equivalent of three four-year stints at an Ivy League college, plus one year of graduate school, plus one year of aimless backpacking around Europe bankrolled by daddy. How much you enjoy Damsels will depend on your tolerance for Stillman’s particular brand of duct-taped Sperry Topsider whimsy. It’s a comedy! It’s a musical! It’s a trip down memory lane to revisit the blissful confusion of our — or someone’s — college years! Damsels in Distress is all of those things and yet somehow less, as wayward as a second-semester junior who can’t yet decide on a major.
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I can kind of see a resemblance between Demi Moore and feminist activist/journalist Gloria Steinem, whom the former Mrs. Kutcher has been tapped to play in Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman's Lovelace. But at this point the porn biopic -- the one starring Amanda Seyfried as Deep Throat star Linda Lovelace, to feature a cameo by James Franco as Hugh Hefner -- feels like it's turning into a bizarrely distracting hit parade-sideshow of stars/names playing real life Lovelace acquaintances. (Further evidence, just announced over the wires: Eric Roberts as... lie detector test administrator Nat Laurendi! For reals.)
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