Place Your Bets: How Many Best Director Nominees Will Show Up For the Oscars?
As you may have heard or read, the 2012 Academy Award nominations have stirred strong reactions in certain pockets of the Oscar…
And Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is... Ron Paul?
Or some other lukewarm cling-monkey: "If I were feeling less generous and more cynical on this holiest of all Oscar-calendar mornings, I might say that to decipher this…
Now It's Daniel Radcliffe's Turn to Play Allen Ginsberg
James Franco. Hank Azaria. David Cross. Ron Livingston. It's a broad range of actors who've been enlisted previously to play Beat…
Ryan Gosling's Oscar Oversight Explained
This trenchant observation press release just over the transom at ML HQ: "You've probably seen the news by now –- Ryan Gosling…
Patton Oswalt Rounds Up Academy Snubculture For the Only Oscar Party Worth Attending
Thanks to the wonders of Twitter, we already know how Albert Brooks feels about this morning's brutal Oscar-nomination snub. But…
Gary Oldman, Albert Brooks Stake Out Opposite Ends of Oscar Spectrum
This reaction quote just in from Gary Oldman, a deserving first-time Oscar nominee for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: "This afternoon…
Hugo Dominates; Tree of Life, Extremely Loud Shock 2012 Oscar Nominations
Give the Academy some credit: They made awards season fun for a little bit longer. At least my mind was blown this morning as…
SUNDANCE: John Hawkes/Helen Hunt Drama Surrogate Goes to Fox Searchlight
As sort of presumed, the John Hawkes/Helen Hunt-starring, man-in-an-iron-lung-virginity-losing, awards-ready indie drama The…
Oscar Index Special Edition: Predicting the 84th Academy Award Nominations
We're a little more than half a day away from learning who and what will compete for the 84th annual Academy Awards -- an elite…
Bingham Ray, Indie Legend and Sundance Regular, Dead at 57
This is just terrible, terrible news: Former United Artists boss, October Films cofounder and recent appointee as S.F. Film Society executive director Bingham Ray has…
Tracy Morgan is Fine, Tweets Tracy Morgan: 'Superman Ran Into a Little Kryptonite'
A day after collapsing at Sundance -- prompting his swift hospitalization and his publicist's even swifter refutation of alcohol…
Seriously: Razzies Move to April Fools' Day
And nominations will be announced on Feb. 25, the day before the Oscars. I'll let Dan Kois, the foremost Golden Raspberry Award expert in the business, explain the…
From Year One On: Ranking 16 Movies Named After Years
As we trudge into the fourth week of 2012 -- one of those all-too-rare years that influenced a movie title -- a question arises…
Jeff Who Lives At Home Trailer: Jason Segel, Ed Helms Get Brotherly
Here is a trailer for Jeff Who Lives at Home, which tells the very unusual story of sibling men-children (Jason Segel and Ed…
Weekend Receipts: Underworld: Awakening Comes Out Guns Blazing-ish
Everything old was new again this weekend at the box office, with a third sequel and a WWII film cruising to the lead opposite…