WATCH: 'Man Of Tai Chi' Trailer − Keanu Reeves Is The One Who Directs

Here's a glimpse of Keanu Reeves' directorial debut, and, is it me, or does Reeves look a little sweaty in the final shot? It's just one of the off-putting moments in this Man of Tai Chi trailer. The bare bones of a plot are revealed via Reeves odd voiceover: to take a "pure-hearted, good natured man of Tai Chi and turn him into a killer," he says, before adopting the cadence (but thankfully not those long-drawn-out 'r' sounds) of Ben Kingsley's The Mandarin and concluding. "Let. The Games...Begin." Dra. Ma. Tic!
Meanwhile, the footage, which comes via Twitch, is almost entirely of martial-arts fighting — not surprising since Reeves told MTV that there are 18 fights in the movie totaling 40 minutes. He also said that he plays the , including a few scenes of Reeves, who has said he plays the movie's villain, channeling Neo from The Matrix. Alas, the rest of the movie does not appear to aspire to that sci-fi classic's standards.
As for that sweaty look, maybe Reeves was feeling the pressure of directing his first picture.
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