WATCH: Mrs.-Tom-Cruise-Hopeful Nazanin Boniadi's Nespresso Commercial With George Clooney

Okay, so you've devoured Maureen Orth's Vanity Fair cover story on Scientology's work-intensive but ill-fated attempt to pair Tom Cruise with Scientologist actress Nazanin Boniadi — a name that will launch a thousand late-night talk-show jokes. Now check out the elegant Boniadi's sexy Nespresso ad with George Clooney, an overseas commercial that should also launch a thousand late-night talk show jokes.
Once you've watched the clip below, imagine poor Ms. Boniadi scrubbing toilets and hawking copies of L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics on the street as, Orth reports, part of her punishment for revealing the whole Tom Cruise-psychodrama to a fellow Scientologist frenemy. (Well, she's described as a "friend" in the Vanity Fair story, but what kind of friend turns around an narcs on someone who's obviously distressed.) I don't know about you, but thinking about the exotic Boniadi tearfully hunched over a commode makes me very sad, and I think it's only right to beseech the gallant Mr. Clooney to swoop in and rescue his commercial co-star, preferably by motorcycle.
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Also, wow. She could be KHol's sister.
yowsah, and a big FU to mr. cruise
Good point. She exists somewhere between Penelope Cruz and KHol on the beautiful brunettes spectrum.
Very goods check out the elegant Boniadi's sexy Nespresso ad with George Clooney, an overseas commercial that should also launch a thousand late-night talk show jokes.thanks for you.Sports Team Websites
Nazanin Boniadi is gorgeous, smart, loving and a great actress. Wish her the best!
Tom Cruise, Karma is a b*****ch.
Sadly, Penelope Cruz is still a scientologist. She recently had the cult send an auditor (counselor) to "handle" her brother. Doesn't she know that her 3 years dating/living with Tom Cruise (arrogant and controlling freak) was ending by Tom's best buddy David Miscavige? The cult is still controlling Penelope and her life through their auditor (counselors) while getting information from her in session. Wake up Penelope before they destroy your marriage.