The Host Teaser: Stephenie Meyer's Freaky-Eyed Aliens Are Coming For Your Mind, Body, and Soul

It's brief, but the newly debuted teaser trailer for the sci-fi romance The Host is here to tantalize you with images of freaky-eyed pod people and star Saoirse Ronan's fierce, unearthly qualities. Adapted from author Stephenie Meyer's non-Twilight novel about a human and an alien symbiote who share the same body, The Host is headed to theaters in 2013 under director Andrew Niccol (In Time), and while this oughta give Host readers a twinge of anticipation, non-fans are likely scratching their heads wondering what Ronan's eyeballs and the vaguely Benetton-like reel of faces has to do with anything.
Just to fill in the blanks: As Ronan's voice over says, we're in a future where the world's problems have been solved. Yay! The bad news? Everything's only kosher now because aliens have descended on Earth to invade our bodies, erasing our memories. Except when it comes to Melanie Stryder (Ronan); she refuses to shove over to let her alien "soul," Wanderer, have full run of the place. And of course, this leads to a love quadrangle as host and alien fall for different boys (Max Irons and Jake Abel).
Have a looksie, courtesy of Yahoo:
The Host will hit theaters on March 29, 2013.
Bad Photoshop only belongs in posters!
Freaky? Maybe. But Jen, if you want to see truly freaky
eyes--citizens OR aliens-- sit outside of JCPenney
Optical, and watch the people who've had their eyes
dilated come out. And realize they'll soon be outside
and on the freeway. YEAH!!!
Drive the girls there crazy....tell 'em you want a monacle.
Dude, do they still make monocles? Because I'd order two of 'em.
Nah....JCPenney doesn't have monocles; I've asked. But
let's make it a date, live vicariously, and go the the Penneys
store in Glendale (CA not AZ) and ask what they have in a pince-nez?
They really took quite a few liberties from the original Korean monster flick, huh?
Like how now it's stock photos that are attacking us instead of chemically enhanced mutations.
Well, you can't blame them then for Americanizing it up! They went full art-house in it.
Supposedly it accepts the MP3 file format, but when I tried to download it
all I received was an error message. For a long time, much of that research went to waste.
Cons The interface - web pages look awkward on the screen, user menus are more difficult to navigate than on
the i - Pad It feels heavy after a while No 3G connectivity,
Wi-Fi only Parental controls are sparse - there is only a Wi-Fi restriction,
my son can purchase whatever he wants, and there is no way to restrict inappropriate
websites without restricting all internet access Even with a gift
card, a user account must be attached to a credit card (a
parent's credit card).
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