Talkback: What Is the Greatest Penis Moment in Movie History?
Since our friends at Next Movie totally went there, why not bat this one around Movieline HQ? It's Friday! Live a little. In honor of Michael Fassbender's infamous display of total nakedness in this week's Shame -- emotional and physical, to be fair -- Next Movie ran down the nine greatest "penis moments" in the movies. Yes, Ewan McGregor. You made the list.
Also receiving honors were The Crying Game (of course) and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, although I'd argue Dirk Diggler's Dirk Diggler deserves higher placement in the rankings. And though this is quite thorough work, I have just one word: Antichrist. (That said, the "greatness" of its penis moments is debatable. Awesome high five sexytime great? Not so much.)
But again, it's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on some cinematic schlong talk. I open the flood gates to you, Movieliners! Discuss: Are there any glaring omissions to the list? What's with Ewan McGregor's exhibitionist streak? If you were on the fence before despite the glowing reviews and critical acclaim for Fassbender's performance, is all this talk of a Fassboner enough to get you to see Shame this weekend?
The unexpected wang is Walk Hard is the funniest and most surprising
The crying game one had taken me by surprise... and I thought I was going to get into so much trouble because I was so young and my mom was there and I had begged to go see it!
That is a good one. The movie, not the penis.
Bad a schlong margin.
Eastern Promises... that scene was incredible. Go Viggo!
Boogie Nights at number 1. Not sure if there's a specific great moment, but I think Bronson deserves a mention since Hardy's penis makes an appearance several times throughout.
The greatest penis moments in cinema are the ones that don't make it a BFD.
João Pedro Rodrigues's films are a good example or sure the knife fight in _Eastern Promises_. Or basically any movie where the director is not going _out of his way_ to make sure you _don't_ see any penis. So stupid.
Or did you mean greatest as in size?
Then I guess we have to talk about some pretty disturbing movies: _Salo_ and _A Serbian Film_ come to mind.
p.s. _Boogie Nights_ shouldn't even rank since it was a prosthetic.
"The greatest penis moments in cinema are the ones that don't make it a BFD."
Or, one step further, the scene is enormous for pushing the plot forward -- a rarity! That's what I think is unusual about Eastern Promises.
Robert De Niro and Gerard Depardieu were fully frontal in Bertolucci's "1900." And let's not forget Vincent Gallo being serviced by Chloe Sevigny in "The Brown Bunny." Also, didn't Richard show off his Gere in "American Gigolo"?
Jen, I went there too, back when Bruno was released. All props to McGregor, Fassbender, Dirk Diggler et al, but for me no discussion of The Penis in Movies is complete without a nod toward the knob Roger Daltrey sprouts in the late, great Ken Russell's Lisztomania, perhaps the greatest, if not the funniest, of them all.
The wrestling scene in Women in Love, Alan Bates and Oliver Reed. To be a fly on that wall.
Ken Joeng of TV's "Community" bravely bared little in "The Hangover" and made the rest of us men feel a whole lot better about ourselves.
Though it's not a movie, YET, I nominate the following...
"I'm thinking... Tom Cruise in All The Right Moves. You know, if you pause it just right, you can see his penis."
Geoffrey Rush proved the pen was mightier than his sword in "Quills."
Btw, I misspelled Ken Jeong's name in my previous post.
"The penis mightier"
"The penis mightier"
My favorite is Graham Chapman's big "reveal" in Life of Brian.
WTF? A week later and still with the penises? How about a thread about hoo-hoos instead?
Charlie, there is PLENTY of talk on the interwebz about lady bits. Let's keep this unique discussion about man-meat going!