Comic-Con Hall H Live-Blog (Day 3): Twixt, Immortals, Snow White and the Huntsman and More

If you couldn't make Comic-Con this year, don't worry: Movieline will be faithfully live-blogging each day's major panels from Hall H, updating with footage highlights, breaking announcements, and celebrity appearances. Saturday, Day 3, begins with Twixt panel and continues with Immortals, Knights of Badassdom and Snow White and the Huntsman. Are you ready?

Scroll through for the full liveblog, or click to go directly to...

· Twixt panel coverage

· Immortals panel coverage

· The Knights of Badassdom panel coverage

· Snow White and the Huntsman panel coverage

Welcome back, guys! I'm in Hall H eagerly awaiting the Twixt panel. Talked to a few people outside who said that they have been waiting in line since 6 P.M. last night. Stand by.

11:45 Francis Ford Coppola takes the stage to a standing ovation. "Thank you so much. It is my pleasure to be here with you." He introduces Dan Deacon [who composed the music], Val Kilmer and a few other people -- "a small group of programmers and technicians who have made something possible that was never possible before. I'm not going to introduce all of them." Uh, OK.

11:48 Coppola stops everything to ask for "more light on the audience. Whatever you got. I want to see them."

11:49 Did I mention that Kilmer walked onstage wearing sunglasses?

11:50 Coppola is talking about how much he hates 3-D glasses. "I don't like watching 3-D with glasses. I confess, I very much enjoyed Avatar but I took the glasses off for most of the movie and then put them back on when I saw that a sequence would be in 3-D." Coppola doesn't believe in 3-D as much as he believes in "great 3-D sequences."

11:52 Instead of giving the audience 3-D glasses, each audience member is given a mask of Edgar Allen Poe's face so that Coppola will be looking into a sea of Poes. The eyes have 3-D lenses. Coppola tells everyone that he will motion when people should look through their masks. This sounds really involved. Coppola yells at some journalists for not holding up the masks.

11:54 The clip begins with the graveliest (totally a word guys) narration ever courtesy of Tom Waits. Kilmer is wearing a ponytail. He is doing a book signing at a hardware store. An old timey sheriff (Bruce Dern) walks over and says, "How does it feel to be the bargain basement Stephen King?"

Kilmer: "Not great."

Kilmer's character is roped into investigating a small town mystery. He is in a cheap motel room, yelling at his wife on the phone ("People always ask me, 'How do you know so much about witches?' And I tell them, 'Because I married one.'"). He has a dream and meets "V" (Fanning). The dream sequence is filmed in black and white -- except for Fanning's make-up. At one point Kilmer does an impression of a "gay basketball player from the 60's." Dern produces a Barbie in an electric chair. Don't ask. It looks great, not Godfather great, but great. The crowd claps for a full minute after the clip ends.

12:04 The clip is over. Coppola says that he will take questions "about anything."

12:05 Val Kilmer sunglasses update: He has put them back on. I repeat, the sunglasses are back on.

12:08 Coppola says that he would like to work with a bigger budget and is writing a big budget script now actually. "I don't know how I'm going to finance this one. [...] but I'm getting old and I want to illustrate some things on a slightly bigger canvas."

12:09 "We'll get back to the questions, I hope you're not too tired standing there," Coppola says to the sitting audience of 7,000.

12:10 Coppola asks Dan Deacon a question and then cuts off the answer two words in.

12:12 Coppola asks Dan Deacon to explain how Stravinsky recorded his music. Val Kilmer looks on through his sunglasses.

12:13 Coppola is sad that all entertainment is canned and pre-digested. "All we have that is vaguely alive are the concerts you go to, some theater and sports. [...] "There is a yearning for the live to be put back in cinema."

12:14 Coppola is talking about how he wants to go on tour with Twixt to make his "Halloween movie" live "and perform each film [for each theater with his sound guys], a different performance for each of them."

12:16 Coppola produces his iPad and shows how he could custom edit his movie for each theater. "I can control it all with the touch of this button -- now where the hell is it?" This sounds really cool. "I could perform it on the fly." He said he will try it for the Comic-Con audience but it will be a dress rehearsal. "Theoretically, I could push a shuffle button and show you 20 versions of what I just showed you."

12:18 Coppola gets Hall H cameras to zoom in on his iPad screen. He says that he will perform scene 30 live for the audience.

12:20 The live performance is in gear. Different shots are shown with different music. Coppola sings along. He cuts the clip short and tries to come up with a different version. He asks Kilmer to entertain the audience.

12:21 Kilmer: "Uh, it was really fun to work with a genius. [...] I want to go on tour with them. Just hang out."

12:22 Val Kilmer sunglasses update: They're still on even as Hall H goes dark to screen another clip.

12:23 Coppola asks to restart the clip. A tech guy jokes, "30 nights of this!"

12:24 Coppola throws to a new sequence variation. This time, he provides the narration live and makes it up on the fly. Very cool. It's like he is DJ-ing his own movie. Cut to the scene of Kilmer at the book signing again. We see difference shots than we saw before. KIlmer throws a pen at the wall in frustration. Kilmer's character is alone at his computer, trying to write his story. He reads aloud different lines than we heard in the original clip. This time instead of doing a gay basketball player impression, he does impressions of a steamboat captain and a cowboy. He is pouring himself scotch. Dan Deacon is composing new music spontaneously.

12:29 Val Kilmer sunglasses update: Lights are still out, shades are still on.

12:35 The clip is over. Coppola and Val Kilmer are chanting along to the outro music. Deacon pushes some buttons on his iPad and the song takes on a techno beat. It is the best Val Kilmer dance remix I've ever heard.

12:36 Someone give me a mic. I want to ask Val Kilmer if he will be my date to the marine ball.

12:38 Coppola wants to remix another sequence. This time he does it on shuffle.

12:39 On shooting Twixt: "Actually it was a very enjoyable project for me because I made it all in Northern California so I could sleep in my own bed."

12:41 Why isn't Elle Fanning here? Kilmer must have the answers.

12:42 A fan asks Kilmer a question (FINALLY) while holding up a piece of paper that says "Will you be my Huckleberry?"

12:43 Val Kilmer sunglasses update: He honors this request by taking off the glasses.

12:42 A fan says..."I love everything you do...Apocalypse Now, The Godfather, your pinot noir, everything."

12:43 Fan asks Coppola to promise that no one will remake The Godfather. Unfortunately, Coppola says he has no ownership of the film and it is in Paramount's control -- although the director says he thinks it's a pity when studios don't use their remake money to think of new ideas.

12:45 Val Kilmer sunglasses update: They're off!

12:46 Coppola asks for more lights in Hall H so he can properly say goodbye to the fans. Kilmer flips his shades back on, and with that, the panel is over.

Next up, Immortals. Stay tuned.


The Immortals panel begins.

1:02 Director Tarsem Singh as well as producers Mark Canton and Gianni Nunnari take the stage. No Mickey Rourke?

1:04 Canton announces some never-before-seen footage. "Get ready for some Tarsem-vision."

1:06 Back from the testosterone-fueled clip. Mickey Rourke in a breast plate. Gladiator-type violence. Men being thrown against walls in slow-motion, blood splattering in even slower motion.

1:09 Mark Canton brings out Immortals cast members Freida Pinto, "one of Comic-Con's favorite bad boys" Stephen Dorff, Luke Evans, Kellan Lutz and Henry Cavill. It's Superman!

1:13 Cavill on why he wanted to do this project: "Tarsem was the one true element that got me passionate about this script."

1:14 Luke Evans on playing Zeus: "It was a difficult one, a challenge. We're used to seeing Zeus played by an older man. [...] This is a new slant on the role but like Tarsem said, if you're a god, you're going to want to look young. [...] It was fun to take on the King of the Gods and all the other things that Zeus encompasses."

1:15 Stephen Dorff calls his slave character "horny."

1:16 Moderator asks who on the panel has the best Mickey Rourke story. Gianni Nunnari starts. "Mickey would come on set every morning and we would have to make sure that Mickey would be on time. Mark was in charge of that and then he would say, 'Why don't you do that?' Then we'd decide to do that together. Then Mickey would come in and say 'hi' to me first and I would call Mark producer number two."

1:17 I think we were all hoping for a better Mickey Rourke story -- possibly involving little dogs, sadness or leather -- but that will have to do because we're moving on already.

1:18 Tarsem says that the project for him started when his mother, who is very religious, asked Tarsem (a longtime Atheist), "How do you think you're as successful as you are without my praying? It started with the idea that, 'If there are gods, why don't they interfere with all the misery in the world?'"

1:20 Another few minutes of footage. Explosions. Men spearing each other. Lots of gold breastplates and chest pounding. Filmed like 300. Relativity, feel free to pullquote that for your promos.

1:22 A fan asks how Luke Evans and Henry Cavill were affected spiritually while working on this movie. Way to kill the testosterone buzz in Hall H, fan.

1:23 Tarsem responds, "You couldn't have started with a heavier question?"

1:24 Evans says, "We were so starved that we did have a few out of body experiences."

1:28 Tarsem filmed the fighting scenes three times. He filmed with real people to see how they would fight and then took them out and created the people in the computer "so that was the approach."

1:29 A female fan asks Cavill if he was always a fan of mythology and for a hug. He responds the mythology question (yes, he was always interested in it) and then does not give the fan a hug.

1:30 Identical twins ask Cavill if he can tell them something about Freida "that no one else knows." Cavill calls them creepy and does not answer the question. Henry Cavill is not winning any popularity votes in Hall H right now.

1:31 Tarsem says that the first scene that Frieda had to shoot was a sex scene with no dialogue. It was really embarrassing. Freida says that it wasn't embarrassing though because it was filmed with Henry Cavill. Cavill does not comment.

1:32 What do you think Val Kilmer is doing right now?

1:34 A fan in a Superman t-shirt questions asks a boring production-related question as Comic-Con volunteers glare at him, ready to pounce if he dare sneak in a Superman-related question.

1:35 Kellan Lutz sarcasm alert: When asked how he prepared for the role of Poseidon, Lutz says, "Well, my favorite movie is The Little Mermaid so I watched that four or five times. I love my character." He also refers to his character as "The God of Wetness."

1:38 A young male fan with shiny, long blond hair steps up to the mic. Tarsem cracks, "Is this Michael Bay?" The crowd laughs.

1:40 Freida discusses how great it was to work on a set where the men were barely clothed and the women were fully dressed.

1:42 The moderator asks Stephen about Somewhere. Why can't we ask Cavill about Superman?

1:43 Stephen Dorff grumbles about how he wants to play "different roles on different scales, different challenges."

1:44 Cavill says he cannot say anything about Superman other than that "it's one of the best scripts I've ever read." The moderator replies, "That is great." That is not great, moderator.

1:45 Luke Evans says that even though he has played two gods, he does not have a god complex.

1:46 The panel ends with another Immortals fight scene.


2:02 Stand by for coverage of the Knights of Badassdom panel...

2:22 The panel begins. A group of paid "knight" extras take the stage and chant something about Badassdom. Little response from the audience. Fail. Someone rented a bunch of shields for nothing.

2:23 Seriously though, what's the fire exit situation in Hall H?

2:25 Director Joe Lynch takes the stage with cast members Ryan Kwanten, Jimmi Simpson, Danny Pudi, Michael Gladis (Mad Men, represent), Margarita Levieva, Summer Glau and Peter Dinklage. The moderator introduces Dinklage by referencing "his big break" in The Station Agent. This makes me a little uncomfortable.

2:29 Joe Lynch is really excited to be here. He describes his experience shooting the movie as a great summer where he and the cast just "threw blood at each other." This might be the most amped person to hit a Comic-Con panel.

2:31 The moderator asks something about "happy endings." Lynch jokes that those took place "after the movie." And jokes that that was part of Dinklage's contract. Dinklage says, "Was that directed at me? I wasn't listening."

2:33 Lynch is enthusiastically talking about the LARP-ing community and describing how he had real LARPers in the film and supporting the film. "We wanted to make this faithful to the LARPing community."

2:34 Summer on her character: "She comes with her cousin who is really hardcore. She is kind of in between. She doesn't take it as seriously as the others. [...] But she can be reserved and cool."

2:36 When asked why his character's name is "Hung," Dinklage says, "Wait for the DVD."

2:37 On his character: "My character Hung is maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer, it's a lot to him. He takes [LARPing] maybe a little too seriously sometime. With a little help from narcotics which doesn't help."

2:38 Lynch says that shortly after LARPing boot camp, Dinklage smoked every single cast member. [...] He destroyed us all."

Dinklage: "[The swords] were made of foam. You didn't have to be safe."

2:39 Someone needs to put a limit on the number of times the word LARP can be used in this panel.

2:40 Simpson on his character, "I play a lot of terrible men generally but I wanted this one to be different. So I played him with a headband. He is a terrible man with a headband." For non-LARPers, Simpson explains that he plays the DM, the "Dungeon Master."

2:45 Michael Gladis reveals that he was a LARPer in college and is about to say more -- but Lynch cuts him off. More on Kinsey's college LARP memories!

2:48 Lynch said that LARPers from all over the country traveled just to appear in the movie. Now he is talking about how he directed with the help of a sword that he named Edith -- named after his grandmother -- and has with him in Hall H. He waves the sword.

2:52 We see a clip of Badassdom in which Dinklage eats a bag of hallucinogens and then takes Ryan Kwanten down in a fake sword fight.

2:55 Glau says that filming the movie was like "six weeks of summer camp."

2:56 Dinklage jokes, "I liked filming with everyone except Jimmi."

2:56 Gladis: "I got to fly with Danny on the plane to film the movie. He became my man crush."

Danny: "It's mutual."

2:59 A fan tells Dinklage, "You're pretty much a good actor."

Dinklage: Pretty much.

3:00 Lynch says that the role of Hung (that went to Dinklage) was written for a 6'4, overweight Asian man. When someone suggested Dinklage for the role, Lynch says that "it fit so perfectly. Well, kind of."

3:05 Lynch on the message of his film: "This is all about wish fulfillment. Be what you can't actually be. [...] What I'm trying to get across here is you can be someone else."

Next up: The Snow White and the Huntsman panel!


3:36 We're back for Snow White and the Huntsman! Who's ready to see Kristen Stewart? But before that, Rupert Sanders (director), Joe Roth (producer) and Evan Daugherty (writer) hit the stage.

3:37 Rupert promises that we will get to see images from the movie and compares Huntsman to Lord of the Rings "in terms of size and scope."

3:39 Regarding whether anyone is concerned about that other Snow White movie, Joe Roth says, "People don't remember that Tom Hanks did the fifth body-switching movies when he did Big." He is not concerned about dueling Snow Whites.

3:44 After being shown a reel of Rupert's commercial work, the first-time feature director says that he actually wanted to do a war movie but ended up with Snow White. Still, it's "full of giant battle scenes full of exploding knights." Rupert says that he is excited to "lose his cinematic virginity" on this project.

3:46 Finally, they are introducing cast members: Sam Claflin, Chris Hemsworth, Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart. Wild applause!

3:47 On why Kristen wants to play Snow White: "I wasn't initially jumping at the chance [to play Snow White] but she is one of the most heavy-handedly sincere [characters], seriously doesn't let her heart cloud her mind. Also, I get to have a sword and stuff."

3:49 The moderator asks whether Charlize is worried about co-starring with an actress as talented as Stewart. Charlize responds, "She's probably going to give me a run for my money. And I'm ready for it bitch. Let's go."

3:51 Claflin said that his parents "think that it's a crock" that he is playing Prince Charming. "They're all as surprised as I am, to be quite honest, to be involved in something as big as this" but warns that "the prince is not quite as charming" in this version.

3:53Wardrobe note: Charlize is wearing black and Kristen is wearing white. Was this planned? Good vs. evil, etc?

3:56 On whether Charlize prefers improv, "I'm like a sheep. You just tell me what to do it and I'll do it." When Kristen is asked whether she likes to improv, she jokes that maybe she should say yes, "so that I don't have to learn my lines."

3:57 Rupert says that the first time he met Kristen, she was in her Twilight trailer treating a cigarette burn on her "her lower belly area." Kristen says that she is kind of a bad-ass and is excited for the stunts while Charlize admits that she is a wimp.

4:00 Surprise! We see the first shot of the dwarfs...but there are eight of them! As Rupert IDs each of them and Hall H claps the loudest for Bob Hoskins. Rupert explains that there are eight because [SPOILER ALERT] one ends up getting killed.

4:02 Next up, a photo of Claflin as Prince Charming. Black and white, holding a sword. As Hall H makes cat calls, Claflin says that he is very uncomfortable.

4:03 Hemsworth as the Huntsman. He is holding an ax, sexily, over his shoulder. His hair is wet and slicked back. This photo belongs on the cover of a romance novel.

4:05 Theron as the Queen is next. She is in a fitted black dress with a high, feathered collar. She is holding a dagger and looks evil.

4:06 Kristen Stewart as the most bad-ass Snow White ever. In this first photo, she is wearing armor! And holding a shield and sword. "My pinhead sticks out of that enormous thing."

Theron: "Don't worry, we'll get you steroids. You'll be fine."

4:07 A fan directs a question at Stewart, who is fidgeting onstage. On how she relates to Snow White, Stewart jokes, "Well, I'm the fairest in the land and I have a seriously good heart."

4:08 Theron explains how it was important for her to understand the Queen's motivations: "I don't think this is just the evil queen who just shows up and she is evil. I think a lot of her circumstances will bleed in her action and that's the most important thing to me. [...] My character is basically a serial killer. Watch out, Kristen."

4:09 A fan asks what kind of music Kristen is listening to in preparation for the role. Kristen says nothing really. Charlize jokes that she has recorded some music that Kristen can listen to. The fan then asks for Kristen's Comic-Con name tag and the audience boos. Kristen offers to throw it to the fan but a Comic-Con volunteer says this cannot be done.

4:10 Kristen says that she is excited to play someone who is "not remotely self-conscious" and "who isn't really aware of who she is but has such a strong sense of self." Also, Kristen really likes that her character "gets to save the day."

4:12 A fan yells out "K-Stew!" Charlize asks, "Me too?" When she is corrected, Charlize admits that she needs a hearing aid.

4:14 Joe Roth says that "truth be told" he was looking for an unknown Snow White. "The more we thought about it, here is this woman who has proven within a franchise to be a big, big star. The idea to get her out of the franchise and put her into a different movie" was appealing.

4:15 The moderator says that they are out of time and the panel ends. Boo! So fast.

That concludes our panel coverage of the day. Thanks for following!

[Top photo: Getty Images]
