5 Ways to Bring Comic-Con to Your Home This Weekend

As if you couldn't tell, Comic-Con fever has infected Movieline HQ worse than whatever Gwyenth Paltrow has in the trailer for Contagion. Only, instead of being fatal, Comic-Con fever is pretty awesome and totally nerdy in the best way possible. Of course, if you're not at 'Con, you could be feeling left out of the fun -- and that's why Movieline is here to help. Ahead, five options to bring the festival to your own home this weekend.

1. Marathon the Marvel Avengers series, from Iron Man to Captain America: First Avenger

Marvel Studios doesn't have much of a presence at Comic-Con this year -- the Disney-owned production studio is being saved for the D23 Expo next month -- but that doesn't mean geeks of all stripes won't be chatting about the 2012 superhero supergroup team-up throughout the next three days. With Captain America: First Avenger arriving in theaters, what better time to revisit all the Avengers-based films right in a row! Start with an early morning home-watch of Iron Man and continue throughout the day with The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2 before trying to find one of the 200-odd theaters still playing Thor. Close out the day with a late showing of Captain America and you'll be primed for Joss Whedon's Avengers. Just brush up on the Cosmic Cube beforehand to be sure you know what you're dealing with.

2. Make your own Comic-Con costume

Cosplay is a word you might not have been that familiar with before Thursday, but by now you're an old pro. After all, what would Comic-Con even be without dedicated cosplayers who dress up like their favorite genre heroes in an effort to please geeks (and gain Internet notoriety)? Just because you're not walking through the San Diego Convention Center doesn't mean you can't participate in the fun! The only downside to dressing up in the air conditioned comfort of your own home? You miss the chance to be interviewed by our own Julie Miller about your wares.

3. Watch the trailer for Drive on loop

Looking for a fun way to kill an hour? Just keep watching the ridiculously awesome trailer for Drive that debuted at Comic-Con on Thursday. Ryan Gosling. Albert Brooks. Christina Hendricks. The dramatic violence. This is already likely one of your most anticipated films of 2011 (or it should be), and the trailer will keep you warm until the Nicolas Winding Refn film debuts on Sept. 16. It's also a good reminder that not all movies have to be about superheros, aliens or some combination of both.

4. Read Herge's The Adventures of Tintin so you know what The Adventures of Tintin is all about

The Adventures of Tintin is so important to Steven Spielberg that he's making his Comic-Con debut on Friday to sell assembled fans on the motion capture spectacle. Though motion capture is not the only problem for Tintin; for American audiences, the source material is but a mystery. So! After hearing what Spielberg has to say about the film, read up on Herge's comic to figure out what this boy-and-his-dog adventure is all about.

5. Watch Sucker Punch to remind yourself that not all Comic-Con hype is good

Let's face it: Comic-Con offers nearly as many hits as misses. So while the footage for Prometheus has been met with uniform praise from the Internet, who's to say it won't wildly disappoint upon release next year. It's best to keep perspective. As such: watch 2010 Comic-Con wunderkind Sucker Punch (now on DVD, Blu-ray and On Demand) and remember that not all breathless hype ends up working out.


  • Jim says:

    Wish I could have been at Comic Con, but seeing Captain America in the theater is probably the next best thing.