The Poster for Contagion Will Make You Groan

With a sprawling cast featuring some of Hollywood's best, a spoiler-crazy and terrifying trailer, and the fact that Steven Soderbergh is the director, it won't take much to get you to see Contagion in theaters in September. Good thing, too, since the teaser poster unveils the corniest tagline of the year -- even worse than "Smurf happens." Click through to see the offending artwork. Warning: You will groan.


"The world goes viral"? Eh, whatever; this one is an auto-see anyway. Contagion infects (groan!) theaters on Sept. 9.

[via Coming Soon]


  • NP says:

    Thank goodness New York escaped that corniness unscathed.

  • G says:

    At first glance of the thumbnail I thought the letters in "Contagion" were going to be the names of all the celebs in the movie, which would have been even worse.

  • HS says:

    Great poster, once again Movieline continues to show their lack of taste. Would you rather have a poster with head shots of the entire cast and then the word Contagion at the bottom? Yeah, I didn't think so, so shut up.

  • floik says:

    All they needed to do was have a close-up of Gwenyth asphyxiating in a bed...70 million opening weekend, minimum

  • Vidalia says:

    I second that Floik.
    In MY day we had good old fashion taglines like this:
    ....(get off my lawn).

  • RickterScale says:

    That's really not that bad. You could nitpick something lame in any poster if that's your agenda.

  • j'accuse! says:

    I think they'd rather have a poster of your mom, dressed in a tasteful bit of PG neglige, holding the script to Contagion, perhaps seated next to a roaring fire, showing a little leg, her eyes peeping over the edge of the script as she gives us, the viewer, a come hither stare.
    Hello Nurse!

  • Cameron says:

    Wow Chris, when you're wrong, you're really wrong. That is the most memorable tagline I've seen in a while. A classic maybe. It's tough to come up with something new and catchy when it's all been done before.

  • The WInchester says:

    Mr Soderbergh, please calm down. All Movieline is saying is that the marketing department should come up with a better tagline, instead of trying to invoke a tired phrase associated with cats playing keyboards or a girl listing the days of the week in song form.

  • Indeed it is, which is what probably led to "the world goes viral."

  • The Cantankerist says:

    "This film is sponsored by the Australian Tourism Commission."

  • Tommy Marx says:

    I agree with Christopher. I looked at this earlier and thought that can't really be the tag. Then I looked at it again just now and I'm still amazed that someone thought that was a good idea. I'm with Winchester - it brings to mind little boys trying to shake the effects of dental anesthesia and Weezer videos that are too clever for their own good. I think it would have been more effective if they had gone with a cliché like "Everything has to end eventually" or something. But "The world goes viral" just really really sucks.

  • Tommy Marx says:

    And the biohazard sticker is just annoying.