Comic-Con Cosplayer Profile: Chef Vader

chef_vader630.jpgIn between the panels, parties and press conferences at this year's Comic-Con, Movieline will also be recognizing the most elaborately costumed cosplayers roaming Hall H. Today meet veteran Comic-Con-er Michael Olsen, who flew into San Diego from Des Moines with a Star Wars-themed get-up so impressive that he had barely walked through the convention center doors before being surrounded by fans wanting photos of him. Not that he wasn't expecting that kind of attention... he had come with a stack of special event business cards.

Movieline stole a few minutes from the Star Wars-loving government employee to talk about his costume.

Name: Michael Olsen

Age: "Old enough"

Hometown: Des Moines, Iowa

Employer: Department of Homeland Security

Would you describe your costume for me?

The idea I got for this was actually right after 9/11. I was at a Halloween costume party at a local bar. Someone in military fatigues came in and had a mock head of Osama bin Laden on a platter. At that point, a lot of people really hated Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars and I thought, "I could make a costume based on Jar Jar Binks being hated, head on a platter and all."

How much time and money did you put into your costume?

Not much money, actually, but I've had this costume for nine years and it has slowly evolved into a better costume each time I use it. I keep adding more accessories to make it look like a real chef and part of the Star Wars universe.

Do your friends and co-workers know about you dressing up like this for Comic-Con?

Oh yeah.

What do they think?

They love it. As you can see, the fans here love it too. It's a love/hate relationship with Jar Jar. I love to hate him and hate to love him, but he was a character in the universe and is easy to poke fun at.

What's your goal for this year's Comic-Con?

Just to have fun.
