Paul Rudd to Star As a Cryonics Nut In Errol Morris's Next Feature Film

PaulRudd300.jpgWhile we patiently wait until the end of August to see Paul Rudd star as a shaggy-haired idealistic stoner in Our Idiot Brother, the comedic actor already has his sights set on a surprising new project with Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Errol Morris.

While promoting his upcoming documentary Tabloid, Morris told a Washington Post contributor that the I Love You, Man lead had been cast in the documentarian's first major feature. The film will star Rudd as Bob Nelson, a California TV repairman-turned-cryonics "innovator" who personally funded the cryopreservation of nine bodies in a self-designed vault in a Chatsworth, California cemetery for a brief period in the 70's. When it was discovered that some of the bodies had thawed and Nelson was not maintaining the bodies per his promises, the families of the deceased sued Nelson, who had previously served as the president of Cryonics Society of California, for over $10 million for breach of contract and punitive damages.

The still-untitled-movie -- about the scandal that proved to be a major setback for the cryonics community -- will reportedly be written by Stranger Than Fiction scribe Zach Helm. This American Life host Ira Glass is also collaborating with Morris on the project.

Check back tomorrow for Movieline's own discussion with director Errol Morris.

· Paul Rudd to star as man who freezes people [Washington Post]

· Robert Nelson and the Chatsworth Scandal []


  • The WInchester says:

    Everything about this project sounds terrific.

  • Ben says:

    As somebody who's pretty interested in cryonics I'm nervous about how this movie may hurt the movement. I'm not a paid up member or anything, but I see cryonics as a worthwhile longterm experiment. It might not work, and if it does there will be big technical hurdles, but there's scientific merit to the idea. The cryonics community (many of whom are entirely sensible and scientifically minded) constantly have to fight against the appearance of being crazy people. I hope they're not undermined in their efforts by this project.
    ...Which is not to say it doesn't sound like an interesting movie. I'll totally see it.