The Great Scream Liveblog Experiment Concludes: Scream 3

Somehow, I have never seen a Scream movie before today. Over the course of the day I will be watching all three films leading up to Tuesday night's New York preview screening of Scream 4 (or, Scre4m, if that's the way you roll). And I will liveblog the entire experience right here because, well, why not? I'll be checking the comments if you have any words of explanation, encouragement or scorn. Let's wrap this sucker up with Scream 3.

5:15 p.m. Oh, also, yes, the first Scream was really good. Be sure to check out the Scream and Scream 2 liveblogs.

5:15 p.m. Well, that's that! I am now the last person on Earth to watch all three Scream movies. Thanks to Max Evry for the use of his Scream DVDs, and thanks to everyone who stopped by today in the comments to keep me company. And with that, I'm off to Scream 4.

5:12 p.m. Ha! The end credits song is... "Is This The End" by, of course, Creed!

5:10 p.m. And Sidney, before joining McScreamy to watch a movie on the couch, leaves the door open... for another movie!

5:08 p.m. Aw, a touching ending scene with the Arquettes. You know, guys, I really think this one's gonna last.

5:05 p.m. I really hope Scream 4 isn't another take on the "Let's dress up as the killer and terrorize Sidney Prescott" plot.

5:03 p.m. That's right, she saw the bullet proof vest at the police station. You lose, killer.

5:02 p.m. Oh, good, McScreamy is back... nope, he's gone again.

5:00 p.m. The marathon liveblogs are a good way to make me despise a movie series.

4:58 p.m. Christ, I've been doing this for six hours.

4:55 p.m. Whether McScreamy is the killer or not, I'm happier with him seemingly gone.

4:47 p.m. Is Dewey immortal? Is that how he survives so many injuries?

4:41 p.m. I wouldn't be upset if those were the first two offed in Scream 4.

4:40 p.m. I feel that Cox and Arquette are the stars of Scream 3; this is one of the many problems.

4:35 p.m. "What's your favorite scary movie?" [McScreamy leans in] "My life." Oh, Puh-leeze.

4:32 p.m. McScreamy has a creepy side that I'm not enjoying.

4:27 p.m. I'm just going to say it: Skeet Ulrich is the best thing about any of the Scream films.

4:26 p.m. And not Creed Bratton, the one of "With Arms Wide Open" fame.

4:23 p.m. The bedroom that Sidney is in has a Creed poster.

4:21 p.m. Do you know what's weird to think? Bill Clinton was still president when Scream 3 was released. Why are Scream films only released during Democratic administrations. Discuss.

4:15 p.m. I gotta say, the meta Carrie Fisher-"I was up for Princess Leia" joke was cringe inducing. I hate meta jokes in movies -- do they ever work?

4:14 p.m. I'm trying to put my finger on Courteney Cox's hairstyle? It's like some sort of weird Brenda Walsh/Angus T. Jones hybrid.

4:08 p.m. There's just something a bit off about McScreamy in this movie. I dunno, is it the lack of facial scruff?

4:01 p.m. Honestly, serious question, am I supposed to care whom the killer is in Scream 3? I like the reveal from the first film, thought the second was lazy. This one? I really don't care. Will I somehow be impressed because I have low expectations?

3:59 p.m. The first three Scream films is an excellent profile of "the evolution of David Arquette's shady appearance."

3:53 p.m. I'm enjoying McScreamy in this movie. He's evolved from his Can't Buy Me Love squirreliness and is somewhere in between his "take me seriously, I'm an adult" goateed persona from With Honers and his hunk status on Grey's Anatomy.

3:48 p.m. When Patrick Warburton plays any role, does the director just say, "Um, yeah, just do that low-key Puddy voice that you do."

3:45 p.m. The scariest thing in any of these three films is Courteney Cox's Scream 3 haircut.

3:42 p.m. Is this one of those "Let's just throw in a ton of fun cameos"-type movies? Is Harvey Korman going to show up?

3:40 p.m. Why didn't anyone warn me that Kevin Smith was in this movie?

3:38 p.m. OK, I'm getting a little loopy, but did I just see Jay and Silent Bob?

3:32 p.m. Was that Puddy from Seinfeld lurking in the background?

3:30 p.m. I take that back, for the rest of my life I will refer to Patrick Dempsey as "McScreamy."

**3:29 p.m. Hey, it's pre-McDreamy Patrick Dempsey. I will refer to him as "McScreamy" for the rest of this movie.

3:28 p.m. OH GOD!! What happened to Courteney Cox's hair?!?

3:26 p.m. I forgot that Scream 3 came out in 2000. I thought it was more recent than that. So that means Sidney has had 11 years of peace before whatever happens in Scream 4. That's actually upsetting.

3:21 p.m. The line, "Cotton, you know I don't like your Stab games," made me laugh more than any line so far in these three movies.

3:19 p.m. I've changed my mind since the first film. My first born will be named "Cotton."

3:16 p.m. Am I to assume that since Liev Schreiber is opening up Scream 3, Liev Schreiber isn't long for Scream 3?

3:07 p.m. OK, I didn't like Scream 2 quite as much as the first one. I suppose that was to be expected, yes? Scream 3... everyone hates Scream 3, right? Is this going to be awful? Please tell me the killer this time isn't Scott Baio, or something like that?

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  • JoshDCarson says:

    Harvey Korman? No. Roger Corman. Yes.

  • The Winchester says:

    I wanted to warn you about Jay and Silent Bob, but after the Jada incident I wasn't taking any chances.
    Have you seen Lance Henriksen yet? Although it's not a cameo.
    Also, is Liev in part 4? I don't recall his fate in 3, probably because I watched it late at night on Showtime a decade (!) ago.

  • Suzie says:

    I don't remember the 3rd very well... I don't think I bothered to watch it after I saw it in the theatre... but yeah, there are an insane number of random cameos.

  • Mike Ryan says:

    I hope this is true.

  • Suzie says:

    I think it's safe to not spoil and tell you that Liev is that opening murder in this movie... a la Drew and Jada.

  • Mike Ryan says:

    Yeah, Liev is killed in the opening scene.
    Ha! Thanks for at least considering a warning about Jay and Silent Bob.

  • JoshDCarson says:

    The only impressive thing about the killer in Scream 3 is how out-of-the-way the script goes to tie everything together.
    That, and it's the kid who played DJ from Roseanne. Wait -- oops.

  • The Winchester says:

    Damn. There goes my theory that he's the killer in part 4.

  • Mike Ryan says:

    If John Goodman or Lecy Goranson show up, I'm not going to the screening tonight.

  • Suzie says:

    I thought it was the 2 Becky's from Roseanne? I guess my memory is poor... 🙂

  • JoshDCarson says:

    They couldn't actually get Lecy Goranson, so they had to settle for Sarah Chalke.

  • JoshDCarson says:

    Double 2 Becky references! My mind is exploding!

  • Mike Ryan says:

    If nothing else, today was worth it just for this to happen.

  • Suzie says:

    I'm pretty impressed that we all went there. Hooray for 90s pop culture references!

  • Sarah says:

    "4:23 p.m. The bedroom that Sidney is in has a Creed poster." Terrifying!

  • The Winchester says:

    In the end, it turns out it was all a book written by Liev Schrieber.

  • Mike Ryan says:

    That he wrote inside a snow globe being gazed upon by Tommy Westphall.

  • The Winchester says:

    That breaks because Neve Campbell was busy thinking about her sled.

  • Mike Ryan says:

    Then she wakes up in bed with Suzanne Pleshette.

  • The Winchester says:

    But the bed's in this weird kinda-limbo place, full of everyone whose died in the course of these movies.
    And no questions about the island are answered.