Movieline Asks Rite Priest Gary Thomas: Which Exorcism Movies Are Most Realistic?

rite225.jpgThe new Anthony Hopkins exorcism thriller The Rite may be a work of fiction, but it was inspired by the real life experiences of Father Gary Thomas, an American priest who studied under a master exorcist in Rome and became the subject of Matt Baglio's book The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist. Naturally, Movieline seized the chance to ask the energetic Father Gary to play film critic and weigh in on eight possession horror classics, from The Exorcist to Paranormal Activity to Tim Burton's classic comedy about a lovable "bio-exorcist."

Launch the slideshow here to find out which demonic movies earned Father Gary's stamp of approval.


  • SunnydaZe says:

    The thought that someone could be possessed is comical and deluded! I am a strong minded individual who would never--- HEY, WHO WANTS TO BUY A BOX OF SUNSET BLUSH AND RENT SEX IN THE CITY 2??--- Huh? What just happened to me?.... I'm cold and frightened.

  • The Winchester says:

    LEarn it well, for now you know shame.
    Besides, tonight's Red Zin and Eat Pray Love, you idiot!