James Franco Talks Alien Prequel with Movieline: 'It's a Maybe'

francointerview_int-thumb-225x187-9541Reports surfaced this week that James Franco was among the names linked to eventually star in Ridley Scott's as-yet-untitled Alien prequel. (If it happens, which as we all know, is a big "if".) Speaking to Movieline today at the junket for 127 Hours, the actor went a little further than most stars go when addressing their latest casting rumors, acknowledging his affections for -- if mild reservations about -- the franchise and its director.

"Yeah, I don't know how that got out," Franco said. "Honestly. I know Ridley, I like him, I love Blade Runner and Alien. I mean, that's always the music you listen to: Yes, I like the director. But then you look at the material. How is this director approaching this material, and do you think it's going to result in something that you want to be a part of?"

"That sounds like a maybe," I said.

"Yeah, it's a maybe," Franco replied.

Forbidden another follow-up at the very end of the interview, I ask you, reader: What do you think it would it take to convince James Franco to commit? Be creative. (And drop back by here next week for more -- lots more -- about 127 Hours and the rest of the Life of Franco.)
