Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion Part 2: By the Numbers


Number of times Danielle said that she was happy while grimly holding Jacqueline in a stage hug: 3

Number of shrieking surprise guests: 1 (Kim G.)

Number of plastic surgeries undergone by said shrieking surprise guest in present lifetime: Approximately 10

Number of U.S. dollars it would take for Teresa to get in the ring with Danielle: 100,000

Number of times that Caroline defined a seating chart for Bravo audiences: 1

Number of times that Caroline refused lunch with Kim G.: 1

Number of split screens employed by Bravo production to maximize the catfight effect: 2

Number of times Danielle said she was being nailed to the cross: 3

Number of times Danielle admitted to "embellishing" in court: 1

Number of housewives still firmly anti-Danielle after Danielle's pseudo-apology: 1 (Stay strong, Caroline)

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  • TurdBlossom says:

    Oh please. Their all still anti Danielle. Especially if she ends up scoring her own show while McGilla Gorilla (Teresa Guidice) ends up walking because of the addition of her much hated sister-in-law (just how easy is to get on this woman's shit list anyway?)

  • Ernest says:

    OK, prepare for Ascension now.