8 Actors Who Haven't Been Shortlisted for a Superhero, But Should Be

These days, it seems that every actor in Hollywood has made the shortlist for a new superhero movie -- and that could be a liability for the onslaught of comic book movies to come, since casting directors are always on the hunt for the hot new up-and-comer, not the guy who got cut before his final Captain America screen test. With that in mind, then, Movieline has assembled a list of eight men who are superhero-ready, yet haven't been named as a close contender for any past roles. (Though if casting directors are willing to think outside the box, we've got more than a few non-white suggestions, too.)

ryan_gosling1.jpgJon Hamm

Studios always aim young when they're signing a superhero, because they want that actor to be good to go for at least 10 years of sequels (should it come to that). The problem with that line of thinking? It deprives us of John Hamm as Superman. Admit it: your ticket would already be bought.


Steven Strait

Don't hold the fact that Strait starred in Roland Emmerich's dud 10,000 BC against him -- there's only so much a man can do when he's dressed up in a loincloth and being shouted at by the director of Godzilla. Though Strait has the looks and build of an action hero, he can actually act (just check him out in the current indie smash City Island). Some enterprising casting director should give him a shot and let him fulfill the promise he showed in the teen superpowers movie Sky High.


Chris Pine

Pine's already got the Star Trek franchise, so you'd think he wouldn't want to line up another... except that he's also attached to play Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan in a new series of films for Paramount. If Pine really doesn't mind signing his life away on sequels, it's hard to argue that he wouldn't have made a compelling, charismatic Captain America.


Nicholas Hoult

How did this UK import not make the heavily British shortlist for Marc Webb's Spider-Man reboot? He's cute enough to please teen girls, but believably geeky enough to embody Peter Parker.

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  • ChristianH says:

    I hate to contribute to the white racial ridicuousness, but you did forget Nathan Fillion, who's getting ignored for every superhero role, when superhero is exactly the part he should be playing all the time.

  • Amanda says:

    Word. That fake Green Lantern trailer convinced me. Not that I needed much convincing...

  • FRED says:

    Josh Holloway would have been great as Thor.

  • Arelle says:

    You're right! Eight white men who look and act like every other white man in Hollywood! What a crime to leave them out.

  • Petra says:

    As soon as I saw Hamm's photo at the top, I thought "Superman." Although I also enjoy him on 30 Rock (don't get whatever channel Mad Men is on).
    Chris Pine would be awesome as Capt. America (or a few other superheros -- he just has that all-American boyish charm).
    And I agree with Fred. Josh Holloway needs to be cast in something...soon! He was my main reason for watching LOST all the way thru season 6!

  • Petra says:

    So funny, so true.

  • rtm says:

    Woof! Never heard of Alex Pettyfer before but I'll surely be watching for him! Not sure about that Vampire Diary dude, not too impressed with what I've seen so far but then again I'm not the targeted demographic for his tv show. Jon Hamm would be perfect for the Alex Ross version of Superman. As for Hoult, I don't buy him as a high school outsider, he's just too tall and hunky!

  • mark says:

    ryan gossling for a young dr strange

  • Jenn says:

    Are you kidding me? He barely made it into a sad Twilight ripoff show. RPatz is perfection.

  • anakinredsabre says:

    I know dont you hate that? That most of the comics had white guys in them, and then the producers and writers of the movie adaption have the audacity to cast White guys. I would already have my ticket bought if Hamm was playing Superman?? speak for yourself. All ive read about is how good a choice he is, most incarnations of Superman have worked cause the actor has been an unknown.

  • Great list! Especially John Hamm as Superman!

  • razorsfury says:

    if your insulting me because of a mistype your a jack-ass because you have nothing to actually insult me with... go f**k yourself lolser... oops mispell haha

  • razorsfuryd says:

    all the superheroes are being casted as white males because they were. why cast a black guy as one of the superheroes that shouldnt be... might as well make thor black or the flash mexican... people stop crying about race... btw im mexican. if they were a different ethnicity then its understandable... and by the way there is only one race... homo-sapian.

  • angelica pascual says:

    i think that all superhereos should be hunks im sorry that i have not seen chris pine in more super hero movies he the kind of actor you can watch over and over again in any movie he is a super hero hunk

  • JaySin420 says:

    They need to get Hamm for Superman, its not like the guy is 60 yrs old and sequels shouldn't take 10 years anyway.

  • Rebecca says:

    You know who I want for Superman? Joe Jonas! He's PERFECT for the role and looks and fits the part!

  • razorsfury says:

    seriously?! Jon Hamm as superman?! you guys are idiots... i dont think any of you even look at comics... so far only gay guys with crushes are saying stupid things... superman is supposed to be about 34-36 years old not like 50... why do some of you even say anything...

  • Rosasweetie says:

    Hoho, so handsome, Chris Pine seems more charming, do not know why, just intuition. More funny these actor toys on http://www.toydots.com/index.html. They will shock you there.

  • I will be back for the next installment although ome of these comments are killing me.

  • Mind if I use some of the information from this post if I provide a link back to your site?

  • bb says:

    Nicholas Hoult plays Beast in the new X-Men movie. so he has already played a superhero.