Movieline Attempts to Tie Up Almost 100 of Lost's 'Loose Ends'


What's the magic lighthouse about?

It's where Jacob could peer into the outside world for potential candidates.

How is Dogen simply being alive keeping the smoke monster out of the lighthouse?

I presume College Humor means "the temple," but the answer is: it's just one o' them supernatural rules. In other words, "it just does."

What happened to the flight attendant Cindy and the kids?

They didn't end up doing much, did they? I guess Cindy was really won over by the Others' 401K plan and just decided to put feathers in her hair and go native. What are you gonna do?

Why didn't Sun tell Jin to go just so their daughter wouldn't be an orphan?

Yeah. Bad form, Sun.

Where did Jacob and the smoke monster's mother come from?

Some crashed ship centuries ago. All the inhabitants were Latin-speaking. Beyond that, I'm not sure why we'd need to know much more, since she bites it pretty fast.

Where did Allison Janney come from?

This is one of those endlessly perpetuating trains of thought, like a seven-year-old asking, "What's beyond the planets? What's beyond that? What's beyond that?" There may have been people on the island before Allison Janney (and she implies as much), but the story of Lost is confined to one specific galaxy, not the universe. If we found out who did Janney's job before her, would you ask who did it before that person, too?

Who finished the magic wheel that combined light and water?

The next people that happened upon that place.

What is the nature of the light?

It's like the Force, dude. And if they explained it anymore, you'd have a Liam Neeson speech about midichlorians, and no one wants that, do they?

Why does Tina Fey want the electromagnetic map of the island?

Presumably so they can chart that information and dip Desmond into the electromagnetic heart of the island.

How does the electromagnetic thing send Desmond to the afterlife and back?

Look, you get electromagnetically mutated, and some crazy shit can happen. Some people Hulk out, some people see Heaven's waiting room.

Wasn't Sayid's soulmate Nadia, not Shannon?

Look, if Maggie Grace is coming back for a cameo, she's getting into that last scene, all right?

Why weren't Michael, Walt, Lapidus, Eko, or any of the other characters at the church?

Like Ana Lucia, they may not have been ready to move on yet. (Although in Eko's case, it probably had more to do with a pay dispute.)

The final verdict: There are still a few nagging questions left over, and I'll always wonder what the writers originally had planned for that outrigger shootout, but I found that almost anything on Lost can already be answered based on what we've learned throughout the course of the show. Frankly, I'm fine with filling in a few blanks here and there -- after all, it's the only way left to keep Lost going.

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  • miqui says:

    Ray guns now exist, we just havent gotten them quite Start Trek powerful. 🙂 battery pack 1400 joule is nothing to sneeze at though.

  • Paul says:

    Ridiculous. Half of your answers are "A wizard did it." Let's just accept that the show was a whole mess of bull by people who teased us for six years without having any idea what they were doing. If you're breaking the rules of science and reality, that's fine in a sci-fi show, but you can't just say it's "just 'cuz." The finale was a HUGE disservice to its loyal fans--and saying it's "about the characters" is just a load of garbage. You don't read a murder mystery for the love story, you read it to find out who killed the butler. And this mystery was no better. Six years wasted.

  • Keamy says:

    Dude the producers said that the pregnancy issue was answered but it was not spoon fed. You can derive it from the story...Since they said this the bits and pieces of this question lie across the whole series.
    1) Richard said to Locke that the Others have missed the point of their purpose and they went on doing insignificant things under Ben, like caring for the pregnancy issues(Season 3?)
    2) Our Losties did create the incident. In Richard's POV those were the people that created it. The bomb vs the electromagnetic energy created some instabilities on the island and one of those instabilities were the pregnancy issues(Season5).
    3) In the hatch there were vaccines. It might be that Desmond's partner knew that the incident's after effect wore off, but he wanted Desmond contained. So he tricked him that there was STILL an effect outside the hatch and so the vaccine was needed(at the time it was not, but it is crystal clear the Radzinsky knew what he was doing and using the vaccines was a must in his time)(Season 2).
    4) Horace's wife gave birth to Ethan. So at that time and before that, women didn't have any problem with pregnancy issues. Telling them to give birth outside the island does not say there were problems. It was just healthier for a kid to be born in the real world.
    What do you derive from all these? That the incident created the pregnancy issues. And so the woman who were brought to the island to find a solution for these issues was the creator of these issues. Funny isn't it? And so the producers knew exactly where they were heading with this one.

  • Keamy says:

    Really?? Is this your big question?? Ben knew Locke's past. Ben didn't want Locke to become leader. Seeing that he was slowly losing his leadership to Locke, he found an idea...he brought the man who shows Locke's real self(a pathetic little man), his father. So he asks him to kill this man to prove his worth as a leader to the others. Ben knows exactly that Locke doesn't have the guts to kill his father, so this will show to the Others that he is not worthy of being their leader.
    Richard, who is convinced that Locke is their true leader(through the Smoke Monster's trickery), brings Ford's file to Locke to read it. Locke discovers that Ford will eat his father alive if he finds out who he really is. And so he takes him to Ford and Ford kills him...How easy was that?
    There is no magic box. It was just Ben's plan.

  • jon booth says:

    the people shooting at sawyer, juliet & the others while they were jumping through time wasn't necessarily answered, but there could be a good explanation....after the ajira flight went down & landed on hydra island, notice the boats that were taken back to the main island, by locke, sun, ben & the shadow order group thingy...these are the same boats that our crew grabs off the shore of the main island (where the shadow crew went)....this is proved by the ajira water bottle that sawyer finds inside the boat before they take i think it's safe to say that the people shooting were the shadow order, since they knew that sawyer was with locke in their time, seeing his wonderful mane probably got them insane with jealousy, & they had to let a few go....but seriously, this jump was obviously a near-future jump, & they were being shot at by the shadow crew

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  • veewitch says:

    Jack wasn't on Jacob's list (the list that Ben had, of people meant to join the Others) because that was not a list of the candidates. Ghost Horace appeared to Locke in a dream, so he wasn't Smokey. If Ben had only been in contact with Smokey, and not really Jacob, how is it that when Ben couldn't get Hurley to return to the Island, Jacob came and talked to Hurley himself ? Only makes sense if Ben called Richard, and Richard went to Jacob.

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  • onlinebroker says:

    Here is a fun Question: Why is it presumed that Jacob is the good guy? He seems to cause alot of death and destruction and is the reason that smokie exists in the first place. Sounds worse than "evil incarnate" to me.