5 Auctioned Lost Props You Need -- and 5 You Don't



DHARMA Condiment Bottles

If you haven't already made your own versions of these for your season finale parties, then you're really not the type of Lost fan that should be bidding on these props.


Jacob's Paperback Copy of Flannery O'Connor's "Everything That Rises Must Converge"

Buy your own copy from Borders, and ask Mark Pellegrino to put his fingerprints on it at a Lost convention in 2016. Boom, same thing.


Hurley's Set of Prokennex Brand Golf Clubs

As Hurley himself would say, "They're just golf clubs, dude."


Kate's Hero Toy Airplane

We've all tried to forget the flashback from the otherwise assured first season where Kate inexplicably robbed a bank just so she could get a toy airplane out of a safe deposit box, a relic of her childhood so important to her that she probably left it in Sawyer's tent in season three or something. Don't remind yourself.


Nikki and Paolo's Matryoshka Dolls Used to Hold the Stolen Diamonds

Despite the perverse entertainment value that would come from buying something owned by Lost's two most despised characters, do you really need a pair of their Matryoshka dolls? I was about to say, even Lostpedia doesn't have an entry for a set of props that minor, but of course, they do. Just look at that instead.

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  • Victor Ward says:

    I'm not sure if it's for sale, but I WANT JACK'S APPENDIX!

  • casting couch says:

    What about the Golden Light Donkey Wheel?

  • Old No.7 says:

    I'd like to buy the explanation that makes sense of all this shit.

  • Four Toed says:

    I thought that Sawyer's letter was stolen by Evangeline Lily and was lost when her house burned down.

  • I think they could make some serious money from selling a big 3D question mark with LOST letters written underneath it. That signifies what everyone is thinking when watching the show and the hundreds of questions that will be left unanswered at the shows end. You could send it to your friends who love Lost just to mock them.

  • The ring? Are you kidding? It'll cost a fortune, and just when you have the precious ring securely in your hand, some do-gooder Hobbit will swipe it and try to destroy it.