23 Questions About Lost Episode 614, "The Candidate," Answered!


Hey, who killed all these dudes outside the Ajira plane?

Smokey. But he did it to save everybody! If he hadn't murdered all those Widmore lackies and found the bomb they'd hidden on that plane, everyone would have been blown up when they started the engine, and Smokey never would've gotten the inspiration for the suspiciously similar trap he was about to lead everyone into on the submarine.

If you were a guard on a submarine docked on the beach of magical island -- a submarine that's the only viable mode of transport off that island -- what would your most important responsibility be?

We'd guess your main duty would be to make sure that the hatch is locked when your boss is out taking care of his inscrutable business. And your second-most important job would be to keep an eye on the only point of entry into the sub in the unlikely event some armed intruders tried to sneak in through that hatch. It's all right there in your "So You've Decided To Become A Security Officer On A Mysterious Billionaire's Submarine" orientation binder, after the section on Never Sitting With Your Back To A Door You Should Be Watching.

If a homicidal smoke monster inhabiting the body of one of your friends tells you he's just helped you avoid being murdered while locked inside a tube-shaped conveyance you'd hoped to escape in, and then suggests that you all rush to lock yourselves inside another tube-shaped conveyance in hopes of escape, might you, at any point, stop and ask yourself, "I know this is crazy, but is that shady smoke dude, who just took about a hundred bullets to the chest with no ill effects but allowed himself to be elbowed off a dock, maybe up to no good here?"

Nah. Because: Wheeee, submarine ride!

How about checking your bag for a bomb before locking yourself inside the tube, just to be safe?

Stop being so cynical, jerk.

What's the beeping noise coming from that bag?

[looks inside bag] Oh. Crap.

Why did Smokey put a timer on the bomb instead of just blowing everyone up the minute they'd locked themselves inside the tube?

Look, Doctor Do-Little, you may have already been through an ordeal involving explosives and loopholes in the island's weird rules about who can kill whom, but Sawyer's the leader now, and if he wants to yank that wire, he's gonna yank that wire. Even if it's going to kill four of your favorite characters. (OK, three of your favorite characters, and the guy who looks like he's just stepped off the set of a Burt Reynolds movie.)

[RIP Frank Lapidus 195? - 2007 ]

What did Sayid say to Jack before running away with the bomb?

"It's got to be you, Jack." Or: "It's going to be you, Jack." Or? "I'm no longer an emotionless zombie, Jack. It's time to redeem myself with a noble, if only mildly effective, act of self-sacrifice." How could he be so annoyingly marble-mouthed at such a critical moment? Enunciate, man, it's your final scene!

[RIP Sayid Jarrah 1967 - 2007]

When Jin took Sun's hand, refusing to leave the side of his trapped wife as she drowned in a s
ubmarine rapidly filling with water so that they could die together, stealing a few desperate kisses with their last breaths of precious oxygen, did you weep the explosive tears of a five-year-old girl who's just been told her cherished My Little Pony collection was lost in a fire?

Stop it! That sh*t was heart-wrenching!

[RIP Sun-Hwa Kwon 1980 - 2007]

[RIP Jin-Soo Kwon 1974 - 2007

Did you also wonder why neither of them thought it might be a good idea for Jin to escape so that he could raise their daughter?

We're sure she'll be fine being raised by her grandma.

Why did Jin say his final words to Sun in English?

He put in a lot of work learning a new language at his Otherville Berlitz class during their long separation. Don't begrudge him a little showing off while he still had the chance. (We nit-pick to deal with our grief, OK?)

So which of our original castaways are bringing us home in these final three episodes?

We've still got Sawyer, Kate, Jack and Hurley.

And if you monsters take Hurley from us, we're coming after you. Believe it, Darlton.

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  • Citizen Bitch says:

    Hey another baby for Kate to steal! Or maybe we should give this one to Claire?

  • sosgemini says:

    Okay, so anyone else annoyed that this show has/is killing off all the minority characters? If Jack is the last one standing, I am about to cap someone's arse.

  • casting couch says:

    It should have been Kate trapped in the sinking sub.

  • stolidog says:

    ps. claire is an original castaway.

  • stolidog says:

    so, i could be wrong, but i believe that the last people standing are the people who interacted with each other in the LAX airport....with the exception of Hurley, who I don't recall interacting with any of them. My eight ball says Hurley's outlook is not so good in the coming episode.

  • Westsydegal says:

    Contrary to popular belief with folks, Frank Lapidus is not dead! And I have been a Frank fan from Day 1!

  • bierce says:

    If you've just ripped a crude digital watch from the wrist of a guy you killed, how long would it take you to wire it to some bricks of C4 you found and create a technologically sophisticated booby-trapped bomb that even Sayid couldn't disarm?
    Much less time than you would think, apparently.

  • ronachka says:

    what happened to Ben?? We last saw him joining Locke/smoke monster, they got attacked (when Locke/smoke monster saved Jack), Sayid said everyone else is dead, does that mean Ben is dead? Somehow, that doesn't seem dramatic enough for Ben's death

  • Mike says:

    I guess the end is truly here. With only three more episodes left, the producers have a lot of explaining to do. After scouring the internet for clues of what's to come and piecing together some logic from past seasons, I've tried to breakdown what I think will end up happening in the next few weeks - and it's a doozy. What other major characters will die (WHO's even left to kill off??)? I think some more that people will REALLY care about - not just Jin & Sun. Where will the show end? Like it's rumored, in hell? http://thesmogger.com/2010/04/30/lost-the-final-countdown/

  • Joseph says:

    Here's another question for you: if you spend a small fortune and bring a small army to an island to wage a war against a godlike smoke monster with many killing powers, and you use most of that fortune and most of that army erecting a sonic fence that is the ONLY THING capable of defeating said monster, wouldn't it be a good idea to make sure enough men are guarding the generator powering said fence that one man (like, say, Sayid) would not be able to waltz up and simply turn the switch to "Off"?

  • Susan says:

    @Ronachka - your memory is letting you down, but in fairness it's hard to recall all the camp-shifts these guys do 🙂 Ben isn't with Faucke, he's with Richard and Ilana looking for a way to destroy the plane.
    I can't help but think Frank must still be alive somehow, just because with the sub destroyed, if Frank's not here to fly the plane then it's already a foregone conclusion that nobody is leaving the island. Doesn't seem like something they'd do with a few episodes still to go.

  • JR says:

    Hurley interacted with Sawyer on the plane...they were discussing him being the luckiest person alive, for having just won millions of dollars.

  • JR says:

    @Susan Ilana is dead...she blew herself up with the sticks of dynamite from the Black Rock, before Hurley destroyed it.

  • JR says:

    Sayid is Lost's equivalent to Jack Bauer. If you watched Monday night's episode of 24, you'd have known that Jack took out four Russian operatives singlehandedly, in a crowded department store in New York. Thus, Sayid would be able to do the same thing in a dark jungle.

  • Elly Rasole says:

    There's nothing like the rush when you drop in your fresh crate engine and turn it over for the first time. Better than smoky bacon.