South Park Creators: 'We Cannot Stand Behind Censored Muhammad Episode'


When Comedy Central aired last night's episode of South Park -- which, in spite of death threats by radical Muslim groups, picked up where last week's Muhammad-in-a-bear-costume installment left off -- fans were surprised to hear Muhammad's name bleeped. Were creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone just poking fun at the Muslim culture with some kind of meta-censorship joke? Or was the network taking extra measures to protect themselves in light of the recent threats?

Click through for the official explanation from Parker and Stone.

"In the 14 years we've been doing South Park we have never done a show that we couldn't stand behind. We delivered our version of the show to Comedy Central and they made a determination to alter the episode. It wasn't some meta-joke on our part. Comedy Central added the bleeps. In fact, Kyle's customary final speech was about intimidation and fear. It didn't mention Muhammad at all but it got bleeped too. We'll be back next week with a whole new show about something completely different and we'll see what happens to it."

· DID COMEDY CENTRAL WUSS OUT? South Park Defies Muslim Extremists But Prophet Muhammad Gets Censored; UPDATE: Matt & Trey Say Can't Stand Behind Show [Deadline]


  • SunnydaZe says:

    Well, (beep) this is (beep). So (beep) and (beep). If this (beep) then (beep).
    Nuff Said.

  • SunnydaZe says:


  • Academy Screamer says:

    All things considered, I would rather have Parker and Stone alive and indignant at Comedy Central than uncensored and dead. Their voice is too important to silence. But those (beep)in' Muslims need to develop a sense of (beep)in' humor.

  • well duh? says:

    is it just me? or should people who *dont* want to live in a society of Free Speech GET THE FUCK OUT? honestly... take it all, or dont. or did i miss something?


    what ever happen'd to freedom of speech in this country south park talked about Jesus and Jews,blacks everyone no one said anything and why should they have the right to say what they want except for cursing in front of children and sex on tv and the likes of racism are for a example just unexceptable period

  • casting couch says:

    Someone wise once said: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

  • Andy says:

    Yesss man whatever happened to freedom of speech? so other countries can talk bad about our president,government etc. and burn our flag but when we make ONE tiny insignificant joke, all hell breaks loose WTF.. Man i know US is our country and all but sometimes we can be p***s. I watched the episode and personally i didn't see the issue, they've had episodes about Jesus,Buddah,Mormons,Satan and no one ever said a thing but talk about Muhammed and all of a sudden its a big deal..Frankly i think the US is scared.. GOD, things like this just piss me off! in other words theyre trying to say that Mohammed is Holyer than anyother GOD!! Am i the only one who feels like this?

  • r niel says:

    i hope they haven't given in to those Pratt's

  • Billabonger says:

    Screw the Muslims. Muhammad was a homosexual child molester. He loved taking a warm, creamy load in his pooper-chute. I'll crap on a Koran and then flush it down the toilet for this outrage they've caused.

  • N. Waren says:

    That comment was hardly from by a wise man! It was made by the mass murderer Joseph Stalin.
    He sent millions of his so called enemies to their deaths at Gulags hardly CLOSE to Moscow.
    He kept his enemies DEAD!

  • N. Waren says:

    I think that most people are really angry over this SENSELESS censorship.
    The moslems that complained and actually threatened vilolence by posting a picture of the murdered and mulilated Dutch man, Theo Van Gogh who was stabbed and muliated by an islamist because he produced a play.
    The play was about how badly moslems treat women and how they have them sexually multilated, by cutting off parts of their sexual privates when they are children. Thus they cannot have orgasms and are mentally ill as grown women.
    Did anybody happen to catch Frontline program on public TV about the boys in Afganistan and the widespread pederasty of boys as young as 5 by men, who think it is NORMAL to sexually abuse kids?? This is an out in the open way of life for moslems in Afghanistan.

  • J Paul says:

    what kind of country do we live in that an extremist group can casually threaten the life of a writer and the tv station will actually put there tail between there legs and do what is told of them. what ever happened to free speech? what ever happened to having "Balls" and standing up for whats right? Terrorism exists because people allow it!!!!!!

  • Robin Bullock says:

    Remember Rosie O'donnell said radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam? Her audience began clapping wildly.
    I don't recall South Park censoring any Christianity insults.

  • old fan says:

    This has been lamest sp season ever and 2 latest episodes were just painfully unfunny. Perhaps its time to pull the plug.

  • r niel says:

    what are they doing in a Western democracy, kick them out or get them a job

  • Hugh Morris says:

    Larry David and Seth McFarlane constantly step over everyone including Christians with no fear of reprisal at all. They do not have the guts it took for South Park to do this and it should not have been bleeped. If you can insult Christians why should anyone else be any different... oh yeah - they will not sit idly by and be tolerant. I'd love to see McFarlane show us what a big man he is by doing this since Palin's baby was fair game to him.

  • Jesus is holy, and Buddah is holy, and God is holy , and the Holy Ghost is , ehh , holy... and Dalai Lama is holy , and Gandhi is holy and for a while even G.W Bush was almost holy , but this guy Mohammed sure seems to be SUPER HOLY!
    I wonder what he actually did what is so great? Other than mash together a mix from the Bible and Talmud and perhaps some other ol religions and call it ISLAM... And this guy M. was on top of it all illiterate if i know my history correct... So he didnt even write or compile the Quran-book , some later "Mullahs" did that...
    You official Yanks that do the censoring sure seems scared out of your wits by them muslims - Muslims cannot take a joke thats for sure but...? I thought you had freedom of speech in the US? Or do the muslims decide what goes? As they already seemingly do in Europe...
    Have any of you ever seen a Mullah with a smile on his face? Guess not.. They dont seem very happy do they... Must be something in their system, always being angry and insulted cant be healthy in the long run... Most stressful...
    Mutilating womens genitals doesnt seem to make anybody happy except serial killers .... It is very strange , and this religion Islam they
    (the mullahs) want to conquer the globe so we ALL can be muslims and stick our asses up in the air 5 times a day during prayers...
    Those that dont wanna convert will either be heavily taxed (Dhimma), or get their heads chopped off...
    In fact these fanatics clearly states that this is their long term goal. Just like Hitler and Stalin... That the muslim-world was solidly on the Nazis side during WW2 everybody seems to have repressed or forgotten - strange! A popular chant in the Islamic world was then: "In Heaven ALLAH , on earth HITLER"... WOW!!!!
    Dont anybody read history in the schools anymore?
    They (muslims) sure was a bit cooler during SALADINs times, a bit more openminded so to speak , but that was a long time ago...
    "never expect any mercy from a mullah" = old arab proverb....
    GET A GRIP you Censor-guys! A free society can make jokes about anything , its inherent in the concept of FREEDOM!
    CENSORSHIP IS DICTATURE and degrading in a free society, or perhaps
    you are NOT free anymore? Are you? Read your constitution (the original one that is) and think - i think you (US) are in deep shit!
    HOW many of your constitutional rights have you americans lost during the last years? Think about that... All these amendments and additions and changes that US Congress have fixed, have they actually improved your situation and way of life?
    Does THIS censorship improve US-society and culture?
    WHAT the heck is happening with you guys?????
    (Very anonymous , i am shitscared of the US Feds coming to get me where ever i live on the globe and taking me to Quantanamo or just send a drone to my house and machinegun me for speaking out...
    I am with YOU, Americans - dont take their shit anymore - read the US constitution and feel proud! USA LIVES!)
    Anonymous European and Jazz/R&B/US movie Fan..

  • ameli says:

    From this muslim point a view. I'm only offended when someone refers as all muslims are same.

  • Dig your point there, you offended muslim AMELI!
    But how can one distinguish between all your different fractions?
    You certainly seem very busy killing each others as well, or dont you?
    Shiits versus Sunni per example, and shiits and sunnis dont like the Sufis,and so on .. The salafists and wahabists are obviously the most prolific extremists and sharia-maniacs , with the sword as main tool for implementing justice,spiced up with beatings and public hangings, stonings and other violence..
    Iran is a mad-house basically... No wonder people flee to Europe and US!
    I have read the Quran a few times , i have read some of the interpretations of it as well , and i still cant make heads or tails of it... I am not a christian, i am not a jew, but i have a faith...
    It is very simple,it is basic ethics , without it our societies wont work , and they will fall apart..
    ISLAM today is seemingly where Christianity was 1000 years ago , at war with itself and all others - but the Crusades was a response to Islamic attack against France around 800..
    And doncha forget it... read your history!
    When YOU , and others so called peaceloving and moderate Muslims stand up, and together denounce the mad Mullahs and terrorists of Iran and Afghanistan and Pakistan and other places, and start to accept the western societies you live in and stop demanding special laws, special favors, special clothing and so on - and stop being insulted if you see a western girl exposing flesh and give your muslim girls education and equal rights, overthrow your dictators in the lands you have fled from (from what i know nearly all Muslim states are dictatures)and start peacefully contributing to the countries you fled to , maybe then we will believe that you practice a kind and peaceloving religion...
    When your teenage boys stops calling non-muslim girls WHORES in school, because they wear a short skirt, and stops groping them and insulting them in other ways , we shall believe you!
    When you stop valueing yourself as BETTER than all other people because of your Islamic faith then perhaps we shall accept you - until then you are just another brand of fascists.
    When you keep your faith to yourself, and do not shove it down other peoples throats and DEMAND respect from each and all - all of the time - Respect is EARNED , not a right you have because of what you believe in.
    WHEN muslims respect other peoples faiths and beliefs , when some day it is possible to buy a Christian Bible even in a Saudi Book Store , maybe we can have an understanding..
    But nothing seems to happen... The mad Mullahs are still preaching WAR and JIHAD, and they preach this in Mosques that are built with some of the local peoples taxmoney in the lands you have fled to in order to escape persecution in your own Islamic countries...
    These Mullahs stand there and preach KILL JEWS, KILL AMERICANS , KILL GERMANS , kill them all..THEY are all guilty!
    MEANWHILE you moderate peace loving muslims , you are very silent... This is very strange...
    AND many of you say one thing in public, and one thing in the Mosque or to the media..
    Hidden camera exposed some of the danish Mullahs some years back as flagrant liers, when the Muhammed Caricatures were the issue... And these people call themselves religious persons and priests even... They seemed more like the Mafia or the Camorra to me ...
    AND most of you muslims seem constantly insulted because of one thing or another thing or a third thing.. How can you even keep it up? You certainly seem to have very thin skin and a definite lack in faith both in your Allahs integrity and Muhammeds Integrity...
    I think GODS and prophets can take a trashing now and then in good spirits, and that they have a sense of humour , and that they dont have time for small talk and things that doesnt really matter , like for instance , a caricature or a bad joke...
    Read The MULLA NASRUDDIN-funny stories for Allahs sake , these are hilarious jokes mostly, for both christians, muslims, jews, asa-gods believers , bantus, zulus and hottentotts...
    We are all the same , we are all people , and we have the same basic rights ...and none is inherently BETTER because of what religion he/she practice!
    Its what you DO, that matters! "Judge them by their actions", i think that is from the Bible.
    Read UN declaration of Human rights , and the US constitution, a good one is also the "sermon of the mountain" in the bible... Likewise the 10 commandments...
    Mankind could very well function and interact very well only with these guidelines, i think...
    So , stop whining,stop getting insulted all the time, and get rid of the Mad Mullahs and stand up for yourself and RECLAIM ISLAM from the terrorists!
    That is what builds a functioning society! SPEAK OUT!
    Good luck!-end of discussion-this is my last post-i am busy with other things
    Anonymous European and Jazz/R&B/US movie Fan..

  • Zorn says:

    What? Josef Stalin had nothing to do with that quote. That was Sun-Tzu.
    In any case, I really wish the Muslims would stop getting butthurt about us having a little fun. "You don't like it, Ahmed? Don't watch the shit."

  • It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong what they say or if they censor it or not.
    Muslim extremists are not going to change because of some fat ass bloggers behind a desk saying, "Oh gosh, censorship guys, get over it!".
    They have very strong beliefs, and while I don't condone them at all, I do applaud them for at least standing up for them.
    Look at their culture, it "may" be horrible, but it is still alive and thriving, and look at the mixed, identity-less culture of everywhere else today? A bit of pride SHOULD go to them.
    In the same way, they do need to "get over it", but they're not going to. I do think that the extremists are of course too radical. And even though I do see the Palestinian's anger at the Jews' coming to "Israel", the things many radical Muslims and Palestinians say/do about/to these people is a tad worse than the things Nazis even did.
    Considering the fact that Muslims show propaganda cartoons that are anti-Israeli. Even the Third Reich didn't say the kinds of things these Hamas say to their children.
    Even the Third Reich, the Nazi regime, the most recognized "anti-semitic" community.
    But in the same, I can not blame them once again. The whole world has had it's anti-semitic phase...
    So it's easy to understand the Muslims strength in their beliefs, attack of others, and if they truly are against Jews, why not be against America, the "land run by Jews" in some eyes.
    It all seems like a mesh of never ending bullshit to me.
    As Stalin DID actually say, "No people, no problem" (may not be word for word), and as harsh as it sounds, it's definitely true.
    This world began without humankind, and it may end without humankind.
    But let's try to all keep our balls in check and do what's right in the mean time. Muslims, keep fuming. TV stations..stop censoring.
    War gets us places, and while there IS a war going on actively (maybe not the Holy War yet, but the Iraq War, and Gaza bombings), and it is a horrible thing, it's going to happen.
    Everyone chill the fuck out, dress for the occasion, take no surprise in anything that heads your way, and stand at attention.
    And with that, I big you commentators ado.

  • The Evil Marshall D says:

    Yeah, it's all fun and game until someone loses their head!

  • Eric Duckman says:

    “Comedy should provoke! It should blast through prejudices, challenge preconceptions! Comedy should always leave you different than when it found you. Sure, humor can hurt, even alienate, but the risk is better than the alternative: a steady diet of innocuous, child-proof, flavorless mush! DEMAND to be challenged, to be offended, to be treated like thinking, reasoning adults! And raise your children to be the same. Don’t let a comedian, a network, a Congressional committee, or an evil genius take away your freedom to laugh at whatever you want.”
    ——Duckman (Peace Be Upon Him)

  • J44 says:

    Those Danish douchebags started this crap...

  • This entire Koran burning thing is really hard. Muslims demand that we are tolerant. Yet I cannot name a less tolerant people. I don't know if I agree with the Florida minister but he does have balls. He's also very likely to end up a martyr. May be that's what he wants. Either way it will be interesting to see how it turns out.