Movieline's 13 Best Quotes from the Project Runway Castoffs We've Interviewed


Anna Lynett on being forced to work with a male mannequin during her last challenge:

"I was working on a men's suit mannequin instead of a female mannequin, I think that I made some decisions about how the top part fit that were very last-minute. Unfortunately you don't get that in the episode at all, but the kind of dress form that I had to work on was completely wrong for working on... It was really unfair, honestly."


Janeane Ceccanti on her decoy collection at Bryant Park:

"The Bryant Park collection. Um. Yeah. How do I say this? It was really nerve-wracking, yes. And I don't think it was up to my potential. The biggest fricking runway in the United States, and I fly in under again. I haven't had any time to stop and think and breathe and have a full idea in a long time, and that's what I want to do right now. I want to step back a little bit, get my thoughts together, come back in a year or six months, or something, and maybe start from there. I feel like I need to do that. I feel like I'm even further behind than I would've been [without Runway] anyway."


Jesse Lenoir on Ping Wu, whose sewing skills he called into question during judging:

"The sewing comment literally came about through questioning and questioning and questioning. It had gotten to that point. There were a couple moments where [Ping said], "How do I do this? Should I cut it here to here? What kind of stitch do I need to do on this section?" There were little things like that. It worried me to the point that I probably took on more work than I should've, because I felt like if she didn't understand some of these things, then, you know -- how could I trust her to necessarily build this other thing?"


Ben Chmura on his least favorite collection at Bryant Park:

"I have to say, the only one I was a little weirded out with was Jesse's. Some of the looks got a little costumey for me. I actually went back and looked at his collection again. Having the plain pins attached to the clothing -- some of it got a little gimmicky for me."

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