South Park Creators Face Radical Muslim Death Threat

That last week's 200th episode blow-out of South Park was sacrilegious should come as no surprise, but this was no ordinary taking-the Lord's-name-in-vain kind of sacrilege (although there was plenty of that). Instead, the anniversary episode indulged in "Buddha doing a line of coke"-level blasphemy, and it may have led to death threats for creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

To recap: In last week's celebrity-studded episode "200," Tom Cruise threatened to sue the entire town unless they could arrange for a face-to-face meeting with the Prophet Mohammed, a taboo-for-parody figure who Cruise believed could make him impervious to being made fun of. The town's citizens squabbled ("If he shows up here, we'll get bombed") and noted in a bit of meta-commentary that they couldn't even circulate an image of the prophet because it was "completely off-limits and censored." Finally, upon nabbing Mohammed, the town agreed that shuttling the prophet around in a windowless U-haul truck (while he wore a bear mascot costume) would be the only safe way to present him.

Still, the careful disguising of the Muslim prophet was not enough for the radical Muslim website, who posted a message to South Park creators on Monday: "We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show...This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them."

The post included a graphic photo of van Gogh, the Dutch filmmaker (and descendant of Vincent van Gogh) who was assassinated in 2004 after embarking on a project that criticized the treatment of women in Islam. Even more worrisome? The site's link to a Huffington Post article about Stone and Parker's mansion in Colorado.

Abu Talhah al Amrikee, the author of the post, told Fox News that he posted the warning to "raise awareness" and "explain the severity" of the potential repercussions that Parker and Stone face.


· Security Brief: Radical Islamic Web site takes on South Park [CNN]


  • Oguz says:

    For those who are making fun of Muhammed, Jesus and Moses (peach be up on them) will be very sorry on the judgment day. Very soon we will see it..

  • steve knowstruth says:

    maybe we should post the address of this radical muslim morons office and meet them outside

  • hatfielder says:

    Oguz, I draw pictures of muhammed and use it as ass wipe.

  • stolidog says:

    "peach be upon them" that a for reals?

  • Jennifer says:

    not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim

  • sierra says:

    Dear Author,
    Matt Stone & Trey Parker are the creators of South Park. Not Matt Parker & Trey Stone. lol

  • buzz lightyear says:

    You Muslims are a bunch of pussies and your prophet is a sham, all religion is bullshit. You guys are pussies for wanting to kill everyone who makes fun of your douche holy man. Fuck Mohammed (shit be upon him) and fuck you.

  • mougy says:

    I really dont like making fun of Muhammed, Jesus and Moses,,u have millions of other issues u can make fun of other than them..

  • stolidog says:

    Um, you know that's kinda dumb, right?
    what was Timothy McVeigh? Or the Unibomber? (or the IRA, ETA, November 17, SLA, etc. etc. etc.)

  • Shaldon says:

    Religion is a subject too important to NOT be made fun of!

  • lol says:

    Look at the Islam website now, oh my ..

  • Typical says:

    Ooh, derka derka!

  • It's funny how people attack Islam and Muslims. All these hate articles parading loosely all over the internet as "journalism" makes me laugh. I was born (and raised) into Islam but later converted to Christianity, but the truth is....despite my disagreement with Islam (as a religion) I accept people as they are. Regardless of whatever religion you follow (or none at all) I will judge you based on the content of your character. As for those of you who "draw pictures of muhammed and use it as ass wipe"...get off the internet, and go back to bed. Mommy told you numerous times not to stay up too late and beg for the wrong kind of attention. To the Muslims out there who are cringing right now, take a deep breath and relax. It's not East verses West. It's just about living in a world full of nuts. 🙂

  • Colander says:

    Thank you for fixing that, as I thought it was slang ("peach be up on that, yo") and was thoroughly confused.

  • Joshua says:

    Ok, but until then... Will you fundamentalist nut jobs STFU please? Humor and sarcasm are healthy normal traits... Lighten up.

  • Carlos says:

    This is really fuck up. Live and let live.

  • Rogelio Lopez Amador says:

    What does history teach us?
    Catholics have killed...
    Christians have killed...
    Muslims have killed...
    And there are more religions then i care to point a finger at so...
    The sooner we assume responsibility and let go of that caveman mentality of imaginary Gods and devils making us do things, the faster we can move on with our evolution.
    "The resonance project" youtube that but do not get scared by all the big words and watch it to the end.

  • mohamhead says:

    thees iz aaan aoutrhage tray and park will burn till the judgement day cometh...when it cometh it spew forth ash and block out the sun and airline...all will be at airport ...donut eat the pork...pleze

  • Cable Bob says:

    Thank God for South Park! They push the limits and that's the way it should be... it makes you think.
    Mohammed can go get his fuckin' shine box!!

  • Cable Bob says:

    So well written! True dat!!!

  • alsimers says:

    humm...sounds like a terrorist threat to me! where's homeland security?

  • JM says:

    Um, not that hard if you know the interwebs (will say it's somewhere in Bellevue). I'm sure 'meeting them outside' will definitely help the problems of mutual hatred and stupidity on both sides of the coin.

  • OldTowneTavern says:

    Parker and Stone live together in Colorado?

  • Summer Seale says:

    Muslims have been warning about Judgement Day for 1500 years. Christians have been doing the same since 2010 years. Jews don't have a judgement day concept, so I can't comment on it. But the point is this: have you ever heard of the boy who cries wolf? I think 1500-2000 years is long enough for us not to believe the insane ramblings of "prophets" anymore. Anyone who believes in "judgement day" is just as sane as the guy muttering to himself on the street corner with a big cardboard sign screaming about the same thing to anyone who passes by: not one bit. And quite frankly, the fact that you or anyone else cares what happens on some mythical day that is never going to come around screams volumes about your lack of intelligence, creativity, or humanity to those of us whom have actually thought things out a little bit for ourselves.
    Thank you for sharing your idiocy with us, though. It has been most instructive.

  • lalalalala says:

    Stop being so blooming touchy, what exactly gives islam the right to go ahead and kill people for making fun of their god? in the case that they do in fact kill the creators of South Park, does that not give us the right to go ahead and kill the people who killed them?
    Its a hypocritical religion - FACT.
    And until one of them are smart enough to understand there will never be such a thing as judgement day or what not they will continue with their crap simply because their 'religion' does not allow them to use the luxury comforts that can be used in the modern world, they're still living in the stone ages, and sooner or later one of them has to realise that.