Project Runway Recap: Cirque du So Gay



That lying liar who climbed Lie Mountain and spun a lying tapestry for us was unfortunately the clear loozah this round. Even Michael and Heidi sprang from their insured asses to grope the skin of this dress, a polyester blend in creme de chine with a plunging neckline that tried traveling all the way to actual Chine. It's just not theatrical enough for this challenge. It looks more like what a party guest in the opening credits of PBS' Mystery! wears. And that's laudable in many ways -- all of them Kors-unaffiliated.


Seth Aaron's favorite part of the circus has long been the Hamburglar, and he went that direction. Seriously, every outfit of Seth Aaron's is a ringmaster costume, so he probably felt it was compulsory to amp this beyond any sane circus evocation. That said, he really just went to McDonald's. It's the Hamburglar standing in a magnificent Ronald McDonald shoe that can double as pants. Runaway Chicken McNugget Michael Kors was right to be offended.

So who's venturing to the Final Three? Emilio, life's big winner, wins the challenge and is accepted first. Heidi calls in Seth Aaron next, and he's giddy like a little kid -- one who looks like Lou Reed. As for Anthony, Heidi tosses him back to Tuscaloosa Heights, Tennessee, or wherever his bio says. We'll speak with Little Lord LiarsLies during our new interview with him today, but wait -- Mila and Jay are left on the runway. Instead of kicking off one of the two and making it a suspenseful moment, Heidi opts to keep both and force them to complete one last challenge before fashion week. Yep, it's the season four treatment -- Mila and Jay will both make collections for Bryant Park, but only one will be judged alongside Emilio and Seth Aaron for the big victory.

So, dear readers, who will it be? Will Mila outclass Jay with monochrome? Or will Jay zap Mila with succulent separates? For a preview of their collections, click here. For a Fruit Roll-Up of joy to tide you over until next week, enjoy our interview with Anthony in a few hours. And for a real circus, note the acrobatics of Mila's pupils every time Emilio speaks.

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  • Rexie says:

    Just wanted to tell you these recaps are so hilarious...truly a highlight of my Friday workday internet usage. Thanks for the laughs!