Late Night Highlights: Ricky Gervais Diagnoses Larry David and Tom Arnold Fights Evil Peeps

2. Encountering Casual Racism on C-SPAN

While Jon Stewart's lead-out celebrated Easter with an homage to Peep crimes, the Daily Show host paid tribute to the casual racism inappropriately handled on C-SPAN.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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  • Joan says:

    How ridiculous, "mentioned about a hundred times"! Not at all, he should mention it as he is the most under-rated as well as the most talented of the late-night hosts. His show is unique and unlike any of the others which tend to stick to the same format ad infinitum.
    His is the only show to exhibit some intelligence and originality. Go Craig! You deserve it! Hope the award will bring you all the notice you are currently denied.