Watch the Entirety of Step Up 3D in 10 Simple Screengrabs






VERDICT: It's from director Jon M. Chu. What do you think?

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  • NP says:

    Well the shirtless, stoned looking slice of beefcake is kind of nice, but otherwise... Hm. Yeah.
    So I was looking at Jon M. Chu's IMDB page. Well, actually there he's just called Jon Chu. He did the cinematography for a movie called _Killing Babies_.

  • OldTowneTavern says:

    In some of these clips it looks like Ashton Kutcher is making out with a brunette Mary Stuart Masterson who just escaped from a John Hughes hot tub time machine.

  • el smrtmnky says:

    dancing brings people together? well, i'm sure the UN is prepping their peacekeeping freedance forces to darfur