A Gallery of 10 Terrible Film Stills Inspired by This Official Tron Photo


The Lake House (2006)

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


  • lizriz says:

    SO worth flipping through all of those to get to the shot of Men In Kilts. Love it! 🙂
    Also thought the Fame shot was pretty cool.

  • Keith says:

    That Rambo one might be fall into "so bad it's good" territory. I like to imagine a Wilhelm Scream coming out of the guy's mouth.

  • Mike says:

    I don't know who decided these are the worst movies... Rambo and The Lake House are two of the best I've ever seen.

  • Learn the Read if youre gonna post says:

    Not the worst MOVIES, the worst MOVIE STILLS

  • Donna says:

    Mike - they didn't say "worst movies", they said worst movie "STILLS". Stills means they took a still frame from the movie and made a picture or poster from it. So the movie may be fantastic but what sense does the "still" make? Get it?

  • snickers says:

    The Rambo one is awesome.

  • lucas says:

    i just spilled soda all over my computer with that twilight one. I thought sparkle boy was bad. that makes him look classy

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  • Florence completely dominated the MTV VMAs! Dog Days Are Over is such a happy song and it is so much better than the trash played on pop radio today.