23 Questions About Lost Episode 605 'Lighthouse', Answered!

As is their wont -- their oft-maddening, fan-torturing wont -- Lost temple masters Carlton "The Statue" Cuse and Damon "The Swan" Lindelof have once again spent an hour of their precious final season primetime allotment chumming the waters of our imaginations with new mysteries, exactly when we ache to have giant chunks of answers tossed directly into our primitive, gaping maws. Please join us for our attempt to answer the many, many new questions raised in last night's episode, "Lighthouse." [Here there be SPOILERS. Beware! And watch the show live! Or at least very shortly after recording it! We're shouting because this show makes us so very emotional!]

When did Jack have his appendix taken out? That's a pretty nasty scar.

Oh, when he was 7, maybe 8? That scar is just a reminder that in the flash-sideways world of 2004, Things Are Different. (Plus, it will eventually be revealed that Richard Alpert, now a pediatric surgeon in this timeline, performed the appendectomy. And refused to scrub off his eyeliner before operating, much to the chagrin of his nurses.)

And Jack has a kid now, too?

Please keep up. Things Have Changed. People live different lives, they marry different people, they have piano prodigy children we're meeting for the first time.

What's young David Shephard listening to on that iPod?

You haven't heard of them. [Rolls eyes, sighs with exasperation]

Even if you only saw your child once a month under the terms of your custody arrangement, wouldn't you know about his concert-level piano ability, and his dream of being accepted to the conservatory?

Jack's always been a little bit self-involved, not matter what timeline you put him in. Plus he's got all that daddy-issue baggage, so things were bound to be complicated with his own kid. But David should know this: When Jack was his age his father didn't want to see him fail either, and he told him he didn't have what it takes, so he spent his whole life carrying that around with him. He doesn't ever want David to feel that way. In Jack's eyes, he can never fail. He will always love him and be a part of his life. Are we crying right now? Yes, we are crying a little bit. We'll be right back after we go to CVS to buy a birthday card and write down these exact words to our future son. We're gonna break this cycle before it ever begins.

Who's the better pianist, Jack's kid or Dogen's kid?

How can you possibly bet against Dogen's kid? Imagine how good you'd be if your father offered you the choice of finishing your three-hour practice early, or taking a mysterious pill that might contain poison. You'd be playing Carnegie Hall by sixteen. [Ed.note-- Is Carnegie Hall still a thing?]

Why is David wearing a Dodgers hat in the black-and-white photostrip? They're clearly a family of Red Sox fans. We don't care if they live in LA.

That bothered us too. Maybe they think it's OK to adopt a local team because it's the National League? Even though it's totally not. OK, fine: If you go to a Dodgers game, maybe it's acceptable to root for the Dodgers against the Rockies or whomever. You really don't have any skin in that fight, so why not cheer on the home team? But let's not go too nuts with the team paraphernalia. Wear your damn Sox hat to the game, make your dad happy. He's trying.

At the Temple, why does Miles ask Hurley if he's hungry?

When Hurley shrugs, "Eh, I could eat," it's a little wink to a rabid online fan-base who've erected entire discussion boards just to the topic of "Why doesn't Hurley ever lose weight on that island?" Cuse and Lindelof are always doing cute little things like that with good ol' Hugo.

Sayid's accent's definitely changing, right?

He's "claimed." And one of the primary symptoms of "claimed" is altering your accent just enough to make every go insane wondering about the significance of why he might sound a tiny bit different.

Isn't he a "candidate"?

HE'S CLAIMED! He was a "candidate" once, probably, but that was before he got shot in the gut and dunked in the filthy jacuzzi at the Temple Spa, where he died from the combination of blood loss and hypochlorination poisoning. Ugh, can we bump Sayid forward a couple of weeks? We don't have the strength to go through this again today.

Can you name two once-great, now-ruined George Lucas franchises that Hurley might want to reference in this episode?

Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Thank Jacob H. Christ that Hurley's never seen Crystal Skull in that timeline. He'd be devastated.

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  • syd says:

    ugh. i hate jack. i dont know if its the character or matthew fox. i remember feeling exactly the same towards charlie back on party of five... so maybe its fox, he has this douche-ness about him... its very hard to pinpoint. he is handsome, and not a bad actor, there's just something about him that irks me.
    or it might be jack, and his stubbornness and attitude, and the fact that he must be really stupid not to know that they are a crazy island where crazy things happen, even after they time travelled and he's seen his dead father walking around.
    also him being so obsessive and unable to let go, and in the way injuring and killing the people around him.

  • Kyle Buchanan says:

    One more question:
    So Jack just left, uh, COFFINS and DEAD CORPSES in the caves when he moved everyone in during Season One? And he wondered why he had such trouble enticing people!

  • Allan says:

    If you look closely at the photos, David is wearing a baseball uniform. It's clear that he is in Little League, his team is the Dodger's and he took the pics with Jack after a Saturday game when they went out for Pizza at Chuck E Cheese or something. Sheesh.

  • john b says:

    Davids mother has GOT to be........Juliett.......

  • Michael Strangeways says:

    No, David's mom is Julie Bowen and she is now on Modern Family...she booked a gig as a regular and it's a hit so she doesn't need the hassle of flying off ot Oahu and possibly missing one of Ed O'Neil's witty quips...also, Desmond kept trying to get in her pants and it freaked her out.

  • sweetbiscuit says:

    Yes. It was the hiding the spare key in the fertile yet ceramic bunny that clinched it for me.

  • sweetbiscuit says:

    Well, the corpses were there when he found them, and the coffin was empty, after all!

  • forever1267 says:

    why does no one care about the gratuitous ShavedShirtless!Jack vs. the OriginalRecipeHirsuteShirtless!Jack??? In a show where Everything! Means! Something!, shouldn't this gratuitous..ness mean Something?!?!
    (brought to you by the exclamation point "!")

  • stolidog says:

    So, Claire is Jack's sister, right?
    and don't you think the animal in the crib is the dead Golden Retriever (I can't remember his name...)

  • sweetbiscuit says:

    Ah, right: Vincent! That's interesting. And disturbing, too.

  • sweetbiscuit says:

    If being "claimed" makes your accent wobble, then how come Claire sounds as "Auckah as evah?"

  • Maria says:

    Thankfully, Vincent is alive and well and living with Rose and Bernard in the jungle, as seen in the season finale (or somewhere around there). Vincent's the one who led Juliette and company to Rose and Bernard's camp.

  • Chuck E says:

    Our Chuck E. Cheese is found in Florence, KY. The first thing they are doing is stamp your hands after you come back through the doors. This can be to keep the proper parents with the proper children. A security thing that appears to work pretty great.

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