Who Should Host the Oscars?

The Tantalizing Possibilities


3. Tina Fey and/or Alec Baldwin

Why: Of all the people who could preside over Hollywood's most important night, how many would you genuinely be excited about? 30 Rock is the ruling comedy power, and no one doesn't love its bickering, beneficent King and Queen -- each with enough live TV hours under the belt to have the know-how to keep an antsy, hungry crowd preoccupied until the Big One is announced.

Why not: Taken together, people will keep thinking "TV" when they're supposed to be thinking "movies." (Not that the name Jon Stewart screamed "movies," but his year is generally regarded as forgettable.) Taken separately, outside of the fiefdom of Lorne Michaels -- and even inside it -- Baldwin has a widespread reputation of being huffy, erratic and difficult to work with.

Tina, on the other hand, we're having trouble coming up with negatives for. Her general unease with choreography and singing is a running joke in both 30 Rock and movies like Baby Mama (see her butcher a karaoke rendition of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" here).


4. Justin Timberlake

Why: Hey, why not? His very presence seems to energize any stage he's on, he'd bring some much-needed pop hipness to the proceedings (last year's show, as "rebooted" as it was, still felt like something even your Elvis-loving grandma knew was uncool), and we all know he has the comedy, singing and dancing stuff down.

Why not: Because regardless of how much success he has, there's still something underlyingly bratty and boyish about the guy. It might work on SNL, but this is the Oscars we're talking about. Also, movies are the one showbiz threshold he has yet to effectively penetrate. Case in point, this trailer.

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  • Jim Bob says:

    'His single 2009 output, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, is considered an Oscar frontrunner in all categories'
    Where I stopped reading.

  • meredith lessard says:

    Why No a REGULAR person,why must it always be a STAR,there are children out there who are dying to get noticed for their talent and cannot be heard,why not pick a kid with help from the Oscar Stars???? Nice for a change.

  • Lena McCalla Njee says:

    Why not use a totally unknown like myself.
    I am Lena McCalla Njee The 2011-2012 Teacher of the Year for Irvington school District in NJ. I would be a good candidate. contact me there is a challenge to make an unknown into an overnight sensation. How about that?