Who Should Host the Oscars?


2. Neil Patrick Harris

Why: Why? Did you not watch the Emmys? If he can name every network (save HBO) on key and in one musical breath, just imagine what he could do with the 10 Best Picture nominees. Harris may not have the marquee appeal of Jackman, but he's ably proven his mettle as an extremely likable and talented Podium Penguin, able to roll with whatever burps and punches a four-hour live behemoth like the Oscars might throw his way.

Also, he too juiced the dipping telecast ratings, to the tune of 10%.

Why not: The TV Academy might be ready for an openly gay* host, but the Motion Picture Academy's decrepit electorate, despite what you might hear otherwise, still adheres steadfastly to an outmoded Don't Ask Don't Tell Just Sing and Dance hosting policy. Swing low, a change is gonna come.

*Lesbians, or soft-gays, are acceptable.

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  • Jim Bob says:

    'His single 2009 output, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, is considered an Oscar frontrunner in all categories'
    Where I stopped reading.

  • meredith lessard says:

    Why No a REGULAR person,why must it always be a STAR,there are children out there who are dying to get noticed for their talent and cannot be heard,why not pick a kid with help from the Oscar Stars???? Nice for a change.

  • Lena McCalla Njee says:

    Why not use a totally unknown like myself.
    I am Lena McCalla Njee The 2011-2012 Teacher of the Year for Irvington school District in NJ. I would be a good candidate. contact me there is a challenge to make an unknown into an overnight sensation. How about that?