Mad Men Power Rankings, Week Six: 'One Minute You're On Top Of The World, And The Next Some Secretary's Running You Over With A Lawnmower'


3. Sally Draper (up) Last week: 4

Sally rises again. She sees dead people. Well, Dead Grandpa, really. And he is everywhere. In haunted Barbies. Possessing baby Drapers who are his namesake. Does Sally feel residual guilt for causing Grandpa Gene's death, which came swiftly as he was retrieving peaches for his creepy, but cherished, granddaughter? That piercing shriek of hers...we'll hear it again. Probably when, early next season, Pete Campbell stays the night at the Draper residence under some professional pretense, hoping to finally kill Don, and Sally, also on her way to kill Don, encounters Pete in a dark hallway, flaying the weasel with the butcher knife she intended to use to fulfill her patricidal destiny. And then father and daughter will bond, finally, while burying Pete in the backyard.



4. (tie) Ken Cosgrove (up) Last week: unranked

4. (tie) Harry Crane (up) Last week: unranked

Congratulations are in order to two of Sterling Cooper's more underserviced characters! Great job, co-Head of Accounts Ken Cosgrove, for landing the "mastodon" John Deere account and introducing to the office the instrument of Guy McKendrick's grisly destruction. And a hearty slap on the back goes to Harry Crane, the only guy who got a promotion.

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  • Blackcapricorn says:

    A slow clap for each and every one of these beauties, although we would've had words if the lawnmower wasn't ranked this week!
    And that really was an inspiring piece of fanfic for lil Sally there.

  • Lois Sadler Rules says:

    If Lois doesn't deserve a power ranking this week, no one does! Except, of course, for Sally. Sadly, I think Lois can finally be added to the "exiting" section.

  • nojo says:

    I haven't enjoyed a televised moment so much since Bush ducked the shot.

  • nojo says:

    Er, shoe.

  • emberglance says:

    Phew, I've spent all morning trying to remember what Joan said to Don in the waiting room - I knew it was something wry and understated. Hmmm, but is she leaving Sterling Cooper? Can such a thing even be contemplated?

  • robenoir says:

    I said this over at the AV club, and I meant it: I can't believe my favorite part of watching Mad Men now is to find out what the Fingerbang Threat Level will be the next day.

  • bess marvin, girl detective says:

    I knew Sally asked for that nightlight for a reason. Baby Gene, I'd watch out.

  • anon says:

    The power rankings & finger bang threat are perhaps some of the funniest stuff on the internet. Even enough to make one look forward to Mondays! I don't know what I'm going to do on Mondays in between seasons of Mad Men!

  • sweetbiscuit says:

    Awesome in every way.

  • snaporaz says:

    my ovaries combusted in that last scene with don and his kids.
    what a great episode, the foot scene was fantastic in so many ways, i cant find words to describe it.
    i love MM power rankings!

  • J says:

    Pretty funny how Joan tended to the 'Guy's' blood gushing toes with concise action. I guess she has brains in her fingers. 😉

  • This is completely true, thanks for having my evening just a little more tolerant.