The Girl Next Door


The word "trashy" gets thrown around a lot, but in the context of Kendra Wilkinson's trashy new reality show on E!, the word denotes a lack of useful insights into the human condition. So what, right? If we wanted insight, we'd pick up a copy of the New Yorker or buy a bunch of crystals and arrange them to line up with our chakras. Before you do something trashy on your own tonight, watch something trashy for motivation.

Kendra [8 PM, E!]

Hugh Hefner's former lady starts her budding career as a United Nations Ambassador for Peace reality personality and future wife to Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Hank Baskett. In the first of two reruns tonight, Kendra looks at wedding dresses and visits her old haunts at the Playboy Mansion, then she visits Hank's parents in the second episode. New installments air on Sundays, but as of now, this show still needs more spice.

The Chopping Block [8 PM, NBC]

It's not unusual for something to come back from the dead on television, but we thought we'd seen the last of this more subtle version of Hell's Kitchen back in March. In tonight's episode, contestants prepare meals full of alleged aphrodisiacs. If you absolutely must know who wins, spoilers can be found. But given the lack of fresh programming this summer, you might want to have something newish to watch.

Jeffery & Cole Casserole [11 PM, Logo]

Viral video shows have not caught fire anywhere as of yet, but luckily Logo is under-the-radar enough that they can produce something strange and weird and maybe it can become a sleeper cult hit. Or no one will watch it. Either way, this show looks cheap but the laughs are often enough to justify giving Jeffery & Cole a few more dollars to buy props or better lighting. If you can't wait, the first episode is online.


Fight Club [9 PM, Spike]

On Wednesday, we watched an NCIS episode that quoted Fight Club about a dozen times and reminded us that while visually stunning, nearly every line from the film is quotable. It might be difficult to shoehorn dark philosophy ("This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.") into ordinary conversation, but if this film about bored men challenging all that is sacred to them doesn't make you at least ponder the tyranny of your possessions, then you probably have a decent life. But remember, "We are all part of the same compost heap." See, it's difficult.

The Insider at the Young Hollywood Awards [Check local listings]

And finally, you loved our coverage of our sister site Hollywood Life's Young Hollywood Awards, now indulge in this 30-minute The Insider special covering all the stuff we couldn't get to: Will Adam Lambert finally submit and be sufficiently flamboyant? Will Evan Rachel Wood and Kellan Lutz compete in a vampire dance-off? Will Steve-O stay sober? Tune in and see!