5 Actors Worth Considering as Star Trek's Next Villain

Star Trek didn't need its box-office windfall last weekend to have a sequel on the way. And unless I missed something about the properties of black holes, the only cast member unlikely to return for the next one would be Eric Bana's vengeful Romulan villain, Nero. With a legacy this rich to draw from, how will J.J. Abrams choose to replace him? And more importantly, with whom? A few friendly suggestions follow the jump.


1. Khan, played by Matthew McConaughey. The single greatest Trek villain, Khan Noonien Singh, was one of a handful who graduated from the franchise's TV roots to big-screen infamy. In doing so, Ricardo Montalban suitably bulked his old character up with sci-fi's most formidable pec-and-frosted-mullet combo. Perhaps only one man in Hollywood can match those physical attributes and be the type of unexpected revelation viewers found in Montalban. So what if McConaughey's slogan "Just keep livin'" flies in the face of his bloodlust for Kirk, and who cares if he seems a little too chillax when opening fire on the Enterprise? The flip-flop just might fit, and anyway, anything that keeps him out of another romantic comedy is a casting decision I can live with.


2. The Borg Queen, played by Cate Blanchett. The only previous Oscar-winner who slummed as a Trek baddie (F. Murray Abraham) didn't fare especially well. But this is a new age for the series, and that calls for new ambition. Essentially unkillable, the Borg Queen's ruthless assimilation and conversion of foreign races into half-mechanized jerks would be an ideal dramatic scenario for both Blanchett and Abrams to explore. Alice Krige, who originated the BQ in Star Trek: First Contact, wouldn't be such a bad choice either, but it'd be way more fun to watch Blanchett kick Chris Pine's ass.


3. General Chang, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman. Christopher Plummer's one-eyed, Shakespeare-quoting Klingon ham was one of the few redeeming qualities of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. If anyone has the chops (and the forehead) to revive him, it's Hoffman.


4. Commander Kruge, played by Vincent Gallo. Yet another krazy Klingon, this one brought to life by Christopher Lloyd in Star Trek III: The Search For Spock. Gallo would likely bring just the right chemistry imbalance to Abrams's set, potentially resulting in more genuine tension alone than his entire ensemble generated in the reboot. He also works cheaper that anyone else on this list. And seriously: If Tyler Perry can be in a Star Trek film, then anyone can be in a Star Trek film.


5. Praetor Shinzon, played by Shia LaBeouf. Technically, Tom Hardy's Picard clone from Star Trek: Nemesis would require some adaptation to take on Captain Kirk. But since LaBeouf and Pine will eventually need to get their Paramount-tentpole supremacy issues worked out anyway, Abrams might as well get the whole thing on film. Zoe Saldana would need probably need to keep her trailer's blinds closed, too, but it's a minor concession for talent like this.


  • Old No.7 says:

    Maybe look at TOS for some villian ideas... how about Bruce Vilanch as a Tribble?

  • happygolucky says:

    While I agree in principle with the McConaughey's idea, it's a little early for Ricardo to be expected to begin rolling in his grave . . .

  • Christopher says:

    Ummm, so I'm the only one who noticed the plot for JJ's was essentially First Contact as enacted by Khan? I mean, Nero pretty much IS Khan. Me no need another Khan-revenge plot for the sequel, thanks.

  • Kyle Buchanan says:

    At least Ricardo's pecs are freshly waxed enough to make rolling easy and fun.

  • anonymous says:

    I would like to see Kevin Rose and Sean Penn as a team of gay astronauts against the Star Treck cast! They are perfect. We must spread homosexuality across the galaxy and who better to do it than Kevin and Sean!

  • Sweet, I think they are perfectly casted.
    Maybe Nicole Kidman for The Borg Queen? I love love love Cate Blanchett though...

  • mehhhhh says:

    The sequel will be more than a cookie cutter "good guys on enterprise vs. bad guys of some species movie", that is at least if they want this franchise to be taken to the next level. It SHOULD be more about internal struggle with the main characters against themselves while dealing with a more detailed problem. The 'headline' "bad guys to destroy Earth" has been done, specifically in the latest film. It will hopefully go beyond that.

  • Malcom says:

    Or they could continue to re-invent the franchise with some new villains for this alternate timeline.
    And why was #5 even included?! Shinzon was a TERRIBLE villain who motivations didn't make any sense whatsoever (hates Picard, a man he has never met, simply because he is his clone?!!!) Let's never revisit that mistake ever again.

  • xinpheld says:

    or maybe, just maybe... they could think of something NEW. Hmm.

  • Aztrazolo says:

    Please lets not talk about putting a tool like Matthew McConaughey in a Star Trek movie, mmkay?
    Secondly, whatever/whoever the next villain is, lets all agree that time travel take no part in future Star Trek movies. It has been done and done and done.

  • c00per says:

    How about Hugh Hefner as Harcourt Fenton 'Harry' Mudd. 🙂

  • ciel says:

    I think they should try to come out with some original idea.
    I've seen the Star Trek Bloopers, really funny!

  • Hondo says:

    I've heard J.J. has talked to Javier Bardem about his interest in appearing as Khan...

  • Lilith says:

    Is this list a joke? I would like a original idea thank you. No need to go back and rehash the same story again.

  • silyman says:

    no borg, nothing from previous movies. the only villain that would make sense is Khan, but matthew McConaughey? Really? Either way, we're thinking we do need to have the Kirk/Carol Marcus plot arc that ends in kirk being asked to 'stay away'.

  • Scott says:

    I think they should remake the evil Kirk and Spock, there is nothing like the old battle of one self.

  • shoshana says:

    ilove to see the klingons

  • thanks for the excellent information.