Charles in Charge Star to Save American Economy


Go on...


Jesus Christ, man! Where have you been? The economy's down the shitter and America's been clamoring for someone from Eight is Enough to ride to our rescue! Now, let's get cracking...


Prithee, is Scott Baio involved in this?


Good writing is when something is both inevitable and surprising at the same time.


  • Chadams says:

    I remember getting wind of some tabloid story of how he almost committed suicide after getting royally screwed in a divorce, foreclosure or some mixture of the two. Good for Buddence.

  • Lula Mae Broadway says:

    True Ames' name is a punchline, but he's right about this. We need to teach personal finance.
    I have one of the best educations money can buy - NYC private school, Little Ivy University, but I was allowed to graduate without even the most rudimentary sense of how to handle my own finances. I got into credit card debt, made classic mistakes and am frankly, pretty mad about it; part of the problem was I didn't even know what I didn't know until it was too late.
    I was on financial aid, so even the most rudimentary glance at my parents' tax returns would have showed that I was never going to learn this vital information at home.

  • SunnydaZe says:

    I would rather Scott Baio teach the world how to do the "Bust Open Bra with Mind" trick.