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REVIEW: 'The Call' Suffers From Too Many Hang-Ups (And What's With Halle Berry's Hair?)

REVIEW: 'The Call' Suffers From Too Many Hang-Ups (And What's With Halle Berry's Hair?)

Representing a slightly skewed take on 2004’s Cellular crossed with a lobotomized Silence of the Lambs, Brad Anderson’s high-concept thriller The Call would be an unremarkable bit of women-in-peril dreck were it not for two distinguishing factors — the sexualized sadism inflicted upon the half-dressed 16-year-old Abigail Breslin, and the equally sadistic Sideshow Bob coiffure affixed to the otherwise lovely Halle Berry. These indignities aside, there’s little to differentiate this high-pitched screamer from a particularly feverish Law and Order rerun, and it might be tough for such a film to dial in sizable auds to theaters.  more »