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Steven Soderbergh Explains His Hunger Games 2nd Unit Gig

Contagion/Haywire/Magic Mike director (slash painter and future retiree) Steven Soderbergh was indeed tapped by old friend Gary Ross to shoot second unit on the YA adaptation The Hunger Games, the challenge of which he explains in an interview with Moviefone: "I thought, 'OK, I see what you guys are doing. I know what the tool kit is. I know what the rules are.' And it's fun in a way. I found it much more nerve-wracking than when you're shooting for yourself. Because I was constantly thinking, 'Oh, I hope that he likes this. I hope he likes that.' May the odds be ever in his favor? [Moviefone]

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Steven Soderbergh is Directing Second Unit on The Hunger Games, Because of Course

Steven Soderbergh is Directing Second Unit on The Hunger Games, Because of Course

Further evidence that Steven Soderbergh can't possibly retire early as previously reported: Even with Haywire and Contagion to promote and Channing Tatum's stripper movie to shoot this year, the Oscar-winner has found time to shoot second unit on Lionsgate's now-filming adaptation of The Hunger Games.

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