Congrats are in order to Eddie Murphy, who with his latest comedy A Thousand Words joins the heralded ranks of filmmakers who've achieved perfection, of a sort -- the perfect 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It's the white whale of film criticism, a feat so rare that only films like One Missed Call or last year's Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star have earned the distinction. So let's raise a glass to A Thousand Words' now-guaranteed eventual Razzie nomination and remember a few of the best-worst films to earn the double zero distinction!
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The folks at Rotten Tomatoes have tabulated their annual Best of the Best list, inserting Tom Hooper's 2011 Best Picture winner The King's Speech into the annals of Oscar history. But comparing great films to other great films has always been something of an apples to oranges situation; how can you measure, say, The Godfather Part II against An American in Paris -- two very different films that occupy adjoining slots on the list and have the same Tomatometer ranking (98 percent)? With a carefully calculated algorithm, that's how! Still... why does The King's Speech not quite feel right sitting so high above other bona fide classics?
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Technically speaking, Nicolas Cage's ridiculous medieval actioner Season of the Witch has earned the worst reviews of the year thus far, currently simmering at a robust 4 percent over at Rotten Tomatoes. But there's a difference between a cheesy period B-movie that's simply silly and a wannabe heartwarming film whose protagonist actively inspires revulsion, alarm, and twee murder fantasies among the critical mass. World, meet Waiting for Forever: the most despised movie of 2011!
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