Among Wednesday morning's Biz Break: Rebecca Hall chases Iron Man 3, Clifford the Big Red Dog is headed for the big silver screen, and word of a possible "Hollywood studio" for Queens.
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Remember The Artist, that silent, black-and-white homage to classic Hollywood and awards-season juggernaut that you thought you might have heard the last of after Uggie (and his book deal) went hamming it up down the red carpet at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, or after summer movie season commenced in record-breaking fashion? Ha. Guess what's getting a re-release in theaters — just in time for Mother's Day?
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Darren Bousman's home invasion horror pic Mother's Day hasn't had the easiest time while struggling to see the light of day. Shot back in 2009, it's taken a long road to securing distribution, and earned mixed-to-mildly enthusiastic reviews among the fanboy elite at last September's Fantastic Fest -- not exactly the place to bow to "meh" reactions if you're trying to generate genre buzz. But, hey; this newly unearthed foreign sales promo could be just the ticket to reversing that tide of bad luck!
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