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Meet Laurence R. Harvey, the Face of The Human Centipede II

Meet Laurence R. Harvey, the Face of The Human Centipede II

Laurence R. Harvey (not to be confused with Laurence Harvey, the late Oscar-nominated Lithuanian-British actor) made an unusual debut on the world's stage when a close-up of his face, sweaty and bug-eyed, was released as the first image from Tom Six's depraved sequel The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence). Meeting the British stage veteran -- and, yes, one-time children's television performer -- on the red carpet at Fantastic Fest, Movieline was pleasantly relieved to find that Harvey is far from his disturbing alter ego, the put-upon Human Centipede-worshipping drudge Martin, who commits unspeakable acts upon fresh victims in the new film. But does his mother know what he's been up to?

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The 2-Minute Verdict || ||

Human Centipede 2 Trailer Promises a New Deranged Mastermind and Some Mommy Issues

Ever since deranged Dutch filmmaker Tom Six announced that Human Centipede 2 would make his original mouth-to-anus picture "look like a Disney film," we have been anxiously awaiting video evidence. After seeing this week's Australian teaser debut, IFC Films has granted us a first trailer for The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence, which has already been banned in the U.K. So guys, hold on tight to your Human Centipede charm necklaces and click through -- except for you, Donnie Wahlberg.

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