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REVIEW: Found-Footage Sci-Fi Tale Chronicle Is Uneven But Earnest, and Often Exhilarating

REVIEW: Found-Footage Sci-Fi Tale Chronicle Is Uneven But Earnest, and Often Exhilarating

The allegory-rich Chronicle opens with a kind of generational statement: “I bought a camera,” senior class punching bag Andrew (Dane DeHaan) says, “and I’m filming everything from here on out.” Andrew is talking to his father (Michael Kelly), a drunkard ex-fireman who punishes his son for the stress of caring for his dying wife, though the announcement is meant for us as well. Chronicle fits into the growing genre of “found footage” films, though that becomes just one formal element of many director Josh Trank meshes together to put a new spin on the subject of teenage alienation and its more extreme social side effects.
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