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Jack the Giant Killer Catapulted to 2013

Jack the Giant Killer Catapulted to 2013

Warner Bros. has shaken up its 2012-13 release slate a bit, with Bryan Singer's fantasy Jack the Giant Killer getting pushed from this June all the way to next March. Rock of Ages, meanwhile, has moved back two weeks to Jack's original June 15 release date, and Jack has displaced Arthur & Lancelot, which now owns a less-than-encouraging TBD 2013 opening. Should have been you, Gatsby. [Deadline]

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Watch the Jack the Giant Killer Trailer: Beanstalk Blockbuster?

The fairytale action subgenre gets another entry next summer when Bryan Singer's CG-fantasy take on the Jack and the Beanstalk tale hits screens, with fresh-scrubbed Nicholas Hoult in the lead. That officially makes it "from the director of X-Men," starring that one kid who was in that other X-Men movie -- no, not X2. Or X3. The other one. Get your flaming tree catapults and Jurassic Park moment after the jump in the new trailer for Jack the Giant Killer.

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