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VIDEO: The One Homemade Pixar Costume Not to Mimic for Halloween

Because it looks complicated to make, has very limited mobility, and is kind of super creepy, this homemade Pixar-inspired costume -- a full-body reconstruction of the anthropomorphic Pixar Luxo lamp logo -- may not be the best costume idea for your Halloween movie-related revelries. But you've got to see it in action. Shivers. Check it out and stick around for your daily Buzz Break.

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An 'Embarrassed' Ryan Gosling Explains How He Came to Stop That NYC Street Fight

"I'm embarrassed," explains Ryan Gosling of the infamous street fight he stopped in New York that eventually went viral. "I think that guy really was stealing that other guy's painting, so I should have just kept my nose out of it." The good Samaritan has clearly put a lot of thought into what went down that day when he sprang into action while casually strolling through the street in a striped tank and capris, satchel in hand. Watch Gosling relive that harrowing day on video after the jump.

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