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High Five! The Best GIFs Of The 2013 Golden Globes

High Five! The Best GIFs Of The 2013 Golden Globes

The 2013 Golden Globes have given us so many magical gifts, like that five minutes of Kristen Wiig-Will Ferrell wackiness and the surprise appearance by Lincoln-stumping former President Bill Clinton and that coming out/not coming out maybe-drunk, still amazing speech by Jodie Foster. So let's celebrate the added wonderment of watching the Globes in the internet age: Reliving the best, most random moments of sloshed-celebrity shenanigans as immortalized in animated GIF form! First, let Best Song winner Adele and her impromptu Skyfall high-five with James Bond himself, Daniel Craig, delight you all over again.
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Thank Prometheus For the Most Disgusting Animated GIF Ever

Thank Prometheus For the Most Disgusting Animated GIF Ever

I'm not going to belabor this: A batch of new media from Prometheus has emerged, including what some mad genius has repurposed as arguably the most revolting — if weirdly entrancing — animated GIF in the history of animated GIFs. No blood or other bodily fluids/waste are involved, but if you are squeamish at all about eyes, do not keep reading.
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