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REVIEW: A Luminous Lead Performance and Sensitive Filmmaking Drive Pariah

REVIEW: A Luminous Lead Performance and Sensitive Filmmaking Drive Pariah

On the bus home from a night out at a lesbian club, Fort Greene teenager Alike (Adepero Oduye) swaps her tomboyish outfit for earrings and a pink t-shirt, something clearly not of her own choosing, something selected to appease her mother. Alike is 17 and closeted, at least at home. Her mom Audrey (Kim Wayans) is uptight, religious and almost quivers with the effort of seeing her daughter as she wants her to be and not as she actually is. While Alike's closer to her father Arthur (Charles Parnell), a cop, he's chosen to step back from the tensions at home and in his marriage. Liking boys and makeup comes naturally to her younger sister Sharonda (Shamika Cotton) -- our heroine is alone in her own personal form of camouflage, trying to blend into the background wherever she goes.

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Help Caption This Photo of Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer and Matthew McConaughey Stripping in 'Magic Mike'

Help Caption This Photo of Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer and Matthew McConaughey Stripping in 'Magic Mike'

One of the most anticipated titles among circles who enjoy male strippers and movies is the upcoming Steven Soderbergh drama Magic Mike -- a movie about male strippers that allegedly lured the filmmaker away from early retirement. At long last, a first image from the project has surfaced featuring Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey and Channing Tatum striking a pose onstage for what promises to be a very patriotic (and erotic) dance number. You know what this means, fellow Movieliners -- grab the nearest captioning pen and stack of singles.

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